
Open a new document with a 1000 x 720 pixels, black canvas. In your layer palette create a new layer set, name it Header. In a new layer draw a 1000 x 120 pixels, #0A0A0A rectangle across your canvas.

In your layer palette add the following layer styles:
Inner Shadow


Spot the bottom end of your 1000 x 120 pixels rectangle, in a new layer draw a one pixel #161616 line across your canvas.


Below your rectangle, create a new layer and draw a 1000 x 42 pixels, #001117 rectangle across your canvas.

In your layer palette add the following layer styles:
Inner Shadow
Gradient Overlay


To make the arrow shape, first choose your text tool from the main toolbar. Set character settings to Webdings, 49 pt, crisp and #0A0A0A. Now type “6” using your text tool to make the arrow shape.


In your layer palette create a new layer set, name it Navigation tab. In a new layer draw a 70 x 24 pixels, black rectangle.

In your layer palette add the following layer styles:
Drop Shadow
Inner Shadow


Now add your first navigation text on the empty tab. Use font Verdana, bold 13 pt, none and #C6FF00.


Complete your navigation system.


At the end of your navigation tabs add your RSS text using font Arial, italic, 11 pt, none and #FF8A00.

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