
Below your intro add your solutions. use the color #A1DFFF to list your services.


Now add a section for your featured projects. Next to your intro and solutions, draw a 317 x 293 pixels, #8474D5 rounded rectangle. Remember to be organize and create each sections in different layer sets.


On the center inside of your #8474D5 rounded rectangle, add a screenshot of your featured project in the size of 250 x 172 pixels.

In your layer palette duplicate your screenshot layer. Rotate copy by choosing edit above your screen then transform then flip horizontal. Select your eraser tool from your main tool bar and set the brush size to 100 pixels with soft tip. Now just erase the bottom half of your duplicated screenshot layer.


Finish your featured project section with the title and content.


Under your featured project add a spot for your client testimonial. Same style as your introduction, simple.


Below solutions add a section for your announcements or news. First create a 486 x 192 pixels, #8474D5 rounded rectangle. Finish it off with your content.


In your layer palette create a new layer set, name it Footer. In your main toolbar, set your foreground color to white and background to #8E7DE5. In a new layer create a 908 x 29 pixels, marquee selection at the bottom of your canvas. With the select intact, choose your gradient tool and apply a linear gradient effect.


In your layer palatte choose your layer from step fourteen, set the opacity level to 14%. Add your footer content like copyright and navigations.


At the end of your footer, add more links such as support, sitemap and careers.

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