How To Create Glittery Text
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create amazing glitter text with a smooth background.
Your End Result Will Look like this:
To start with :
1) Click New in the FILE menu and create a new Photoshop document with values as shown in the image below (Ctr+N).
2) Using the paint bucket tool, paint the layer with with white color. (#FFFFF)
3) Now, in the layer window click “Blending Option” for the layer you created as shown in the image below.
4) For Blending Options :
Inner Shadow : Use color #309837 in the option Blend mode.
Inner Glow : For structure use some dark color. The color I used was #004741.
Bevel and Emboss : Use any dark color of your choice in the shadow mode option. I used black. #000000
Contour :
Satin : Use color #60FF6B for Blend mode (Overlay ).
Color Overlay : Opacity = 100 % and color code : #8AFF00
5) Now after these steps, your image should look like this:
6) Now we are finished working with the background.
7) Now add a text layer to your document. Hit key “T” on your keyboard or directly select the Text Tool.
Write whatevery you feel like. The font I used was : “Fiolex Girls” You can use any font of your own choice.
The color I selected for writing my text was black. ( Hit Key “D” for Default color Preset.)
8) For Blending Option : ( Blending Option for the text layer)
Drop Shadow : Use color code #000000 in Blen Mode.
Inner Shadow : Use color code #F9F894 in the Blen Mode.
Inner Glow : User color code #54532D in the Blen Mode for Glow.
Bevel and Emboss : Use color code #E5D266 in HighLight Mode and Color code #5A3015 in Shadow Mode.
Contour :
Texture :
(You can also try other patterns depending on what you like)
Satin : Color code used for Blend Mode #254E46
Color OverLay : Color code used : #FF0000 ( Use only light and bright colors )
Your final output is now ready. Simply save your Image in whatever format you want and enjoy. You are now done with the tutorial.