Creating an Affiliation Button
In this tutorial you will be learning how to design a web affiliate button, as shown below:
Step 1:
First lets get started by creating a New Document (File > New…). Make the file size 88 Width, and 31 Height. After you have done that, fill your Background Color with Blue (#1C72F3), and press “Ctrl+Backspace” to fill the image with that blue color.
Step 2:
Now go to Layer > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay… and follow the settings below:
After Gradient Overlay, Go to the Pattern Overlay tab and follow the following settings:
Click “OK” and go on to the next step.
Step 3:
Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool “M“, and follow the settings below:
Now create a New Layer (Shift+Ctrl+N), and make a selection in the middle of the image as shown below, and fill it with White (#FFFFFF).
Set the Layer’s opacity to “32%“, and go on to the next step
Step 4:
Now we’ve got everything set up, we need to add some text. While adding text may seem like the easiest thing to do, you have to keep in mind that the text must look good while being able to fit in such a small space. This is not such an easy task as it looks.
Select the Text Tool “T“, and grab a Font that you like. I choose “Helvetica” for my font, and I set it to size “15” so it would fit in the box.
Now type in anything that you wish in the space, and your image should look like below:
Go to Layer > Layer Style > Stroke… , and follow the settings below:
and then go to the Drop Shadow tab and follow these settings:
and finally the Gradient Overlay tab:
Step 5:
Now for our last step, we will be adding a border to this button. To do this select Layer 1 / background layer, and go to Layer > Layer Style > Stroke… and follow the settings below:
after you’ve done that, you are done! Your Final product should look like this: