Touching up Signatures
In this tutorial I will teach you different ways to touch up your signatures, below is an example of a nice fixed signature:
First of all we will learn how to add a black stroke.
1. Click Select>>>All
2. Create a New Layer
3. Click Edit>>> Stroke
4. Select Black as the color and 1 as the size.
5. Click OK.
Now we will learn how to make a darkened tone.
1. Duplicate the sig.
2. Filter>>>Blur>>>Gaussian blur(1pxl)
3. Set this to Overlay
Now we will learn how to add a glossy effect.
1. Duplicate the sig.
2. Filter>>>Blur>>>Gaussion Blur(1pxl)
3. Set this to Lighten.
Another good way to touch up a signature is just to Sharpen it (Filter>>>Sharpen>>>Sharpen)
Now we will learn how to add a nice effect.
1. Add a Black & White gradient map.
2. Set it to 33% opacity.
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial!