
Initial filing fee for Articles of Incorporation: $75.00 starting; based on number of shares.
Mail paperwork to: Dean Heller, Secretary of State, 206 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701-4299
Is expedited service available? Expedited service available, ranging from $75.00 to 300.00, depending on turnaround time.

New Hampshire

Initial filing fee for Articles of Incorporation: $50.00
Mail paperwork to: Corporation Division, Department of State, 107 N Main St., Concord, NH 03301-4989
Is expedited service available? Not available

New Jersey

Initial filing fee for Articles of Incorporation: $125.00
Mail paperwork to: NJ Division of Revenue, Corporate Filings Unit, PO Box 308, Trenton, NJ 08646
Is expedited service available? Not available

New Mexico

Initial filing fee for Articles of Incorporation: $100 starting, based on number of shares
Mail paperwork to: Public Regulation Commission, Corporations Bureau, Chartered Documents, P.O. BOX 1269, Santa Fe, NM87504-1269
Is expedited service available? Not available

New York

Initial filing fee for Articles of Incorporation: $135.00 starting; based on number of shares.
Mail paperwork to: Daniel E. Shapiro, Director, New York State Department of State Division of Corporations, State Records, and Uniform Commercial Code, 41 State Street, Albany, NY 12231-0001
Is expedited service available? Expedited service available, ranging from $25.00 to 75.00, depending on turnaround time.