In this part of our web guide, we will focus on croquet, a game where individual players or teams take turns striking balls with a mallet to knock them through a hoop, also known as a wicket.
The exact origins of croquet are murky, with competing theories suggesting different beginnings.
One theory argues that croquet evolved from a French game called paille-maille (ball-mallet), which was played in the 17th century. This game involved hitting balls through hoops using a mallet, much like modern croquet. Those allying with this theory believe that the game was introduced to Britain during the 1660-1685 reign of Charles II of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and was played under the name palle-maille, among other spellings.
A second theory is that the rules of the modern game of croquet arrived in Ireland during the 1850s, perhaps after being brought there from Brittany, where a similar game was played on beaches.
Another theory suggests that the roots of croquet are in ancient Roman games that involved similar equipment and objectives.
Croquet, as we know it today, took shape in the mid-19th century, gaining popularity in England during the 1850s, where it was embraced by the upper classes as a genteel pastime. The first documented set of rules was published by Isaac Spratt in 1856, and the game quickly spread to other parts of the British Empire, including Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
By the late 19th century, the sport was well-established, with formalized rules and organized competitions. Founded in 1868, the All England Croquet Club played a significant role in standardizing the game. The club later became the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, and is now famous for hosting the Wimbledon tennis championships.
Croquet has several variations, each with its own rules and gameplay. The most common include Association Croquet, Golf Croquet, American Six-Wicket Croquet, and Garden Croquet.
The most formal and competitive version of the game is Association Croquet, played on a rectangular lawn with six hoops and a central peg. Players take turns hitting their balls through the hoops in a specific order, aiming to complete the course before their opponents.
In Golf Croquet, players compete to be the first to score a point by hitting their ball through each hoop. Unlike Association Croquet, turns alternate between players, making it a faster-paced and more interactive game. A variation of Golf Croquet is Five Hoop Croquet, which was created to provide a simple introduction to Golf Croquet to new players. It follows the key principles of Golf Croquet, but only plays the first five hoops.
Popular in the United States, American Six-Wicket Croquet is similar to Association Croquet, but with some differences in rules and strategies. It is often played in both casual and competitive settings.
Garden Croquet is the most informal version. Typically played in backyards or parks, the rules are more relaxed, making it accessible to players of all ages and skill levels.
Competitive croquet makes sharp use of strategy and precision. Successful players carefully plan their shots, considering both offensive and defensive tactics. The objective is to navigate the course efficiently while hindering the progress of opponents. It requires a high level of skill, focus, and strategic thinking.
Tournaments and championships are held worldwide, with players competing at various levels, from local clubs to international events. The World Croquet Federation oversees the sport's global governance, ensuring standardized rules and promoting the game internationally.
As a backyard game, croquet offers a pleasant way to enjoy outdoor leisure time with family and friends. The relaxed atmosphere encourages social interaction and friendly competition. Backyard croquet sets are widely available and easy to set up, making it a popular choice for picnics, gatherings, and casual play.
Croquet has a royal pedigree, with Queen Victoria reportedly being an enthusiast. Croquet was featured in the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris, although it has not been included in subsequent games. In literature, croquet was included in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, where the Queen of Hearts plays a whimsical version of the game using flamingos as mallets and hedgehogs as balls.
Croquet is the focus of this category, whether played in a formal setting or a backyard.
Recommended Resources
Bay of Plenty Croquet Association
Situated in the heart of the Bay of Plenty, the New Zealand croquet association administers croquet on behalf of Croquet New Zealand, and manages the intra-regional activities of the BOP croquet clubs. It also coordinates inter-region tournaments and manages the region finals for New Zealand-wide contests. Member clubs are identified, and the association is introduced, with an overview of the croquet within New Zealand. Tournament flyers, coaching programs, and contacts are included.
Co-created by Bob Alman and Michael Orgill, it does not appear that the magazine has been regularly updated since the death of Bob Alman on March 17, 2022. Nevertheless, the magazine includes a wealth of information on the game, including archives going back to 1996. Of particular interest is the "Bob Alman Memoirs," as the co-creator of this magazine was inducted into the World Croquet Federation Hall of Fame in 2020. The magazine includes discussion forums.
Created by someone who identifies himself as Paddy, a CA-accredited Level 3 coach, authorized to coach on all aspect of croquet, from beginner to advanced topics. The site consists of instructional articles for beginners and experienced players, using diagrams and animations that are SVGs, using photos taken by the author. Articles and other resources include introductory materials, information on technique, shots, breaks, openings, leaves, and peeling, along with an overview of the equipment.
The online reference primarily focuses on Association Croquet, which is often compared to a mix of chess and golf due to its strategic and precise nature. The website offers information about the game, including its rules, tactics, coaching tips, and other information on playing the game, as well as the equipment, refereeing, tournaments, technical aspects, lawn care, croquet clubs, promoting croquet, editorials, and the history of the sport. Advertising opportunities are included.
In an effort to bring the game of croquet to a wider audience that is more diverse and inclusive, Play Croquet is in the process of developing a program by which it can provide croquet equipment and instruction free of charge to qualifying applicants, candidates, and groups related to (but not limited to) educational institutions, underserved communities, after-school programs, rehabilitation and wellness facilities, development centers, youth groups, YMCAs, and senior living environments.
United States Croquet Association
The USCA is involved in croquet in all its forms, from the familiar nine-wicket croquet game to the modern sport of six-wicket croquet. The USCA has affiliated clubs and tournaments across the United States and Canada, and the organization maintains the official rules. Headquartered at the National Croquet Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, the USCA is a member of the World Croquet Federation. General information about the game, a calendar of events, and the USCA store are featured.
The WCF is the world governing body for croquet. Founded in 1986, its primary objective is to make the various codes of the game well-known, well-understood, well-respected, and well-supported sports in countries worldwide. To achieve this, it encourages, promotes, and develops Golf Croquet and Association Croquet internationally at all levels, sanctions various croquet tournaments for individuals and national teams, maintains rankings, and governs changes to the rules for these sports.