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This section of our web guide focuses on the equipment, gear, and accessories used in the traditional South African sport of ringball.

Evolved from basketball, ringball is played on a court with a ring or hoop, but no backboard. Teams compete by passing the ball and scoring goals, emphasizing speed, strategy, and teamwork. It is a non-contact sport that blends skill with a family-friendly vibe.

The ball is thrown through the air between players and is caught using only their hands, without contacting any other part of the body. When passing, a player must remain stationary, avoid feints, and release the ball within two seconds after receiving it.

The sport is most prevalent in South Africa, where it has been played since 1907. It is also popular in Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, India, and Mauritius, although it is being heavily promoted as an international sport.

Since this is the shopping area of our web guide, we will be focusing on the products involved in the sport here. Further information and resources can be found in the corresponding category within our Sports & Recreation area.

Ringball does not require much gear specific to the sport.

The primary piece of equipment is the ringball itself, which is similar in size and weight to a standard basketball. The ball is designed for optimal grip and durability, catering to the game's fast-paced nature.

Ringball courts are typically rectangular and divided into three sections. It can be set up on various surfaces, including grass, all-weather courts, or indoor facilities. Goalposts with rings are placed at each end of the court, and the rings are designed to allow the ball to pass through from above, scoring points for the team.

Accessories include whistles for referees, nets for the goalposts, and mesh bags for carrying the balls. Players often wear lightweight, breathable sportswear for comfort and mobility. Knee pads might be used in competitive settings.

Manufacturers and retailers supporting the ringball market include the XCO Group, based in South Africa, which offers a wide range of equipment designed for the sport, including balls, nets, and goalposts.

The game is not well-known outside of the countries listed above, but its popularity is likely to increase in the years to come.



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