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Consumer electronics are electronic devices designed for everyday use by end users or consumers. These devices include items used for entertainment, communication, and recreation, such as televisions, smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. They are often more compact and based on digital technologies.

Consumer electronics differ from home appliances in that the latter usually refers to larger, built-in devices used for specific practical tasks, such as washing machines, refrigerators, and stoves. Of course, not all home appliances are large; toasters and blenders, for example, are home appliances, although they are small.

Radio receivers were among the first major consumer electronic products. People tuned into broadcasts, connecting them to the world beyond their homes and communities. As technology advanced, telephones and televisions became household staples.

From record players to cassette tapes, audio and video players allowed people to enjoy music and movies at home, and the rise of game consoles and personal computers transformed leisure and work. Although computers fall within the realm of consumer electronics, we have a separate category for desktop computers, laptops, notebook computers, tablets, and other types of computers.

Today, consumer electronics encompass a wide range of devices, such as smartphones, televisions, wearable technology, smart home devices, digital cameras, printers, radios, DVD players, drones, robot kits, and remote control devices.

Companies like Apple, Samsung, and Sony design and produce consumer electronic devices, although much of the actual manufacturing is off-sourced to China or other countries to take advantage of cheap labor.

The semiconductor industry is the driving force behind many of our electronics devices, creating chips and components, while smaller startup companies often disrupt and stimulate the market with novel ideas.

Consumer electronics are sold from brick-and-mortar stores and through online platforms.

The consumer electronics industry is a rapidly changing market. We're already seeing much of this, and we can expect that our devices will more seamlessly communicate with each other in the future. Artificial intelligence will find its way into more and more of our devices, enhancing or at least vastly changing our experiences.

This portion of our web guide focuses on consumer electronics products.



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