Here you will find information and other resources pertaining to forensics, specifically the study of a broad spectrum of sciences which typically answer questions of interest to the legal system.
Recommended Resources
AAFS, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, is a non-profit organization which represents forensic science professionals, specifically physicians and scientists. Includes meeting, membership and Journal information.
American College of Forensic Examiners
ACFEI is a non-profit organization which provides forensic information through its journal, conferences and workshops.
Organization which provides membership information, as well as the history of the profession of forensics. Also includes news, activities and publications.
Web site provides educational resources in forensic science for those who seek a career in the sub-specialties of forensic science.
Contains extensive information on the use of insects in cases of death and in other legal investigations.
Features information on the science and the art of computer forensics; complete with training, certification, and membership details.
Society of Forensic Engineers and Scientists
Non-profit organization promoting the standards and techniques of the forensic sciences. Includes their by-laws, code of ethics, membership information, history and seminars.
Offers information about the science of forensics; complete with current techniques and standards of the sub-specialties.