As they relate to environmental issues, a toxin is a substance that acts as a contaminant to the environment, causing instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem, including the people, animals and plants within the system.
Ecotoxicology |
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The aim of this web site is to educate people about the effects of petroleum-based chemicals upon health. Information on how people can be exposed to chemicals through home and lawn pesticides, bed mattresses, vaccinations, food additives, paints and more.
The theme of this site is protecting the home environment from the entry of surface and subsurface contamination, targeted to explaining the mechanisms for migration of contaminants such as benzene, toluene, xylene, MTBE, TCE, arsenic, chromate, mercury, lead dioxin, PCBs, fuel oil, gasoline or other toxic chemicals that may enter the home.
Pesticide Action Network North America
PAN North America, also known as PANNA, works to encourage the use of ecologically sound and socially just alternatives to hazardous pesticides. Its campaigns, resources and publications are discussed here.
Access a collection of American scientific databases covering hazardous chemicals, environmental health, toxicology and related subjects. You can also find a training manual to help you learn how to use Toxnet’s powerful search functions. The website has a dedicated section regarding health and safety concerns for household products.