Magazines, periodicals and other publications that focus on environmental issues are the chief topic of the web sites listed in this category.
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American Recycler (AR) is a monthly newspaper that contains news, features and other information covering topics on salvaging, waste management, recycling and other related issues. The website also contains previous issues, equipment spotlight, new product showcase, a PDF library where you can read and print an issue of AR and other recycling information resources. The website also features recycling conferences, trade shows and other events as well as national, regional and auto organizations.
Published online only by Inter-Research, the focus of this publication is on environmental issues, with articles appearing individually as soon as editorial modifications are approved by the authors. Archives are available, along with a description of its book series, discussion forum, and other resources.
Culture Exchange publishes a series of articles on a variety of articles related to sustainable energy and other environmental issues, mostly authored by Jan Lundberg, a former oil-industry insider who later formed the Sustainable Energy Institute. Archives are available.
Energy NewsData is a website that publishes energy news concerning western North America. You can find sections dedicated to California's energy markets and more here. The website also has some paid services where you can get custom news and information to stay informed about energy issues.
The official website of Environment Writer (EW) newsletter, a publication dedicated to journalists and editors who write about environment, natural resource and other issues. The website provides a vast collection of articles, news backgrounder and book reviews. The website also has an archive for EW past issues and allows you to subscribe for the newsletter.
Environmental Health is an open-access, peer-reviewed, online journal publishing manuscripts on all aspects of environmental and occupational medicine, as well as related fields of toxicology and epidemiology. The publication may be read in whole, specific articles may be browsed, or topics may found by keyword search.
The web edition of the print publication is itself a compendium of knowledge on subjects such as the weather, gardening, cooking, remedies, managing households, preservation of the earth's resources, and other topics. The print publication, published annually, can be accessed through the site, which also includes topics such as astronomy, natural cures and recipes.
Greenfacts is an independent non-profit organization comprised of stakeholders, which publishes summaries of existing scientific reports on environmental and health topics. The organization is profiled, including its staff, funding, and publications.
The Nature Publishing Group is a popular weekly periodical which covers a variety of scientific areas, including climate change and other environmental issues.