Environmental issues related to energy, energy usage or energy production are the focus of this category.
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A member-supported organization focused on advocating for, and supporting a high-tech clean transportation industry that creates jobs, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and secures the future of the transportation industry. Its consulting services, events, projects, and membership policies are presented here.
The Consumer Energy Center, a unit of the California Energy Commission, offers the public information about energy resources. The site also has tips for consumers interested in saving money on their energy bill. California residents can also find out about energy rebates and incentives from this website.
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency
A project of the North Carolina Solar Center and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, and funded by the United States Department of Energy, DSIRE represents a source of information on federal, state and local incentives and policies promoting renewable energy efficiency. Summary maps, tables and a library of resources are available.
Energy Bulletin serves as a clearinghouse for information about the peak in global energy supply, publishing news, research and analysis on energy production statistics, insights into the implication of peak oil across broad areas, information about preparing for peak energy, and other subjects related to an understanding of the implications of an energy production peak. Featured authors can be found in their own columns or articles can be selected by issue, region or resources.
With a focus on energy and an interest in educating the reader on the subject, an introduction to energy is provided here, including the physics behind its production, the various types of available energy sources, a history of the influence of energy on mankind, and its uses. An interactive game is also provided, where the player assumes the role of the head of energy for an island nation.
Energy Star is a joint program of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy, providing an energy performance rating system that businesses have used across the country, now available for use in new homes, home improvement projects, and other buildings.
Environmental and Energy Study Institute: Fossil Fuels
Prepared by the EESI, this is a discussion of fossil fuels and their effect on the environment, with specific information on oil, coal, and natural gas.
This website provides information on the different ways that clean energy can be produced. The site has an introduction to biofuel, geothermal, solar power and wind power. You can also find about clean energy conferences from this website. The Harvesting Clean Energy Journal can also be accessed from here.
International Solar Energy Society
A scientific organization dedicated to studying and promoting the use of solar energy. You find out about upcoming solar energy conferences around the world, and browse the ISES bookshop where you can get books on solar power.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is a research organization dedicated to developing renewable energy. You read about how the laboratory is developing new methods to use biomass, hydrogen, solar energy and wind. The site also provides information on how the laboratory applies these technologies to improve the world.
An overview of natural gas is presented here, including a background and history of its use as a fuel, an estimation as to how much of it remains available, as well as a discussion of natural gas and its effects on the environment. Other topics include a business overview, natural gas regulations, a focus on LNG and a quiz on natural gas.
The focus of this site is on offshore drilling accidents, categorized by the deadliest, most expensive, offshore blowouts, structural collapse, sunk rigs, and hurricane damage. Information and photographs are included, and site visitors are encouraged to upload additional incidents to the database.
The product of Forcefield, a home-based business in Colorado, the focus of this site is on making power from scratch, utilizing such technologies as solar, wind, water and generators, not as an environmental statement but for those whose locations provide no other options. Various energy options are discussed here, including articles on experimentation and biofuels. A discussion board is also available.
Online resource focused on providing alternative, clean, practical, renewable energy solutions. Includes energy articles, a project index, videos and multimedia, related events an alternative energy encyclopedia, and a directory of energy inventions, companies and inventors.
Solar Energy Industries Association
SEIA is an American organization that represents the interest and objectives of the solar power industry. The site has articles covering recent political developments in the US and how they affect solar power. You can also find out how to help make solar energy more popular and affordable here.
The Oil Drum site is a discussion forum for and about ideas related to peak oil, sustainable development and growth, and the implications of these ideas on people's daily lives.
The Veggie Van web site provides an extensive online account and continuing sage of the Veggie Van and how they fuel it with used vegetable oil from fast food restaurants.