Mathematical logic is a branch of mathematics that has close connections to both computer science and philosophical logic. The field includes both the mathematical study of logic and its applications to other areas of mathematics. Mathematical logic is often divided into the subfields of set theory, model theory, recursion theory, proof theory, and constructive mathematics.
Recommended Resources
Canadian Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Database where one can search scientific or common names in English or French.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Page is a result of a collaboration between Canada, the USA and Mexico. Taxonomic information is available on microbes, fungi, animals, and plants of North America and the world.
Page providing a complete interactive tree of life and online tools for making interactive phylogenetic trees.
Supported by the Wikimedia Foundation, page aims to classify all species, living and extinct. Any user may contribute or edit articles.
The Species 2000 project is working to provide a validated checklist of all species in the world. It is a collaboration of database organisations. Databases currently cover only 50% of know taxa, so there is still substantial work to be done.
Lists and counts the number of species in each group known to be related to each other through evolution.
Taxonomy and Systematics - Natural History Museum
General taxonomy information page from the London Museum of Natural History in the UK. Sections include: a description and history of taxonomy, identification keys, tools and methods, and a nature navigator.
Online flower encyclopedia with information on flower, flower gifts, the international flower trade and flower delivery. Includes floral news, upcoming floral shows and events, and insight from industry experts.
The Tree of Life Web Project is an international project carried out by biologists around the world to provide biology information for free. You can find out about all of Earth's organisms here; everything from plants to worms to humans. Scientists can also contribute content to the site.
Collaborative page by scientists from all over the world. The project is an attempt to provide information and images for every species that is or was.