Statistics is the branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and analysis of data for the purpose of drawing conclusions and making predictions. It is that branch of mathematics that describes and reasons from numerical observations.
Recommended Resources
Journal of Statistics Education
Published by the American Statistical Association, the JSE is intended for those who teach statistics at all levels, with new applets for those who teach business, education and psychology, material for more advanced topics, and articles on more fundamental issues of teaching. The current issue is available in HTML and PDF format, along with archives of older issues, a data archive, and an interactive computing archive, and guidelines for authors and data contributors.
Offers online metric conversion calculators and tables. Site includes temperature conversion, length conversion, area conversion, weight conversion and volume conversion.
R Project for Statistical Computing
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics that serves as an integrated suite of software facilities, and which compiles and runs on a variety of UNIX platforms, Windows, and MacOS. As a GNU project, it is a free download. Included here is a description, manuals, journal, wiki, and certification information, as well as a download area.
This directory lists web pages related to statistical calculations, including online statistics books, tutorials, downloadable software, and similar resources.
The Statistics Homepage is an electronic textbook that explains how to use a variety of statistical methods. The website describes how to use process analysis, neural networks, factor analysis, data mining techniques, power analysis and more. Even if you are a beginner in using statistics, this website can help you learn about this online textbook.