Founded by Paul Twitchell in 1965, Eckankar is a syncretic religion that claims ancient origins. Adherents are known as ECKists.
Born in Paducah, Kentucky, Paul Twitchell served in the US Naval Reserve during World War II and was honorably discharged as a Lieutenant Junior Grade in 1945. He was a reporter for Our Navy magazine for a short time, then went on to become a freelance journalist and pulp fiction author.
Twitchell investigated several spiritual movements and was an avid reader of spiritual, occult, religious, and philosophical books.
In 1950, he joined a spiritual organization that used the Bhagavad Gita as a text but was asked to leave for reasons of personal misconduct a few years later. Shortly afterward, he separated from and later divorced his wife. In 1955, he was initiated into a yoga fellowship, an offshoot of Sikhism, for a short time.
Having connected with L. Ron Hubbard at some point during his Naval career, while Hubbard was also a Naval Reserve officer, he became affiliated with the Church of Scientology in 1956, remaining until 1959, during which time he was a member of the Scientology Church's staff, and one of the first Scientologists to achieve the status of Clear. He taught classes, audited others, and wrote articles for Scientology publications. Later, Hubbard was to list Twitchell and Eckankar on Scientology's list of Suppressive Persons/Groups.
Twitchell married again in 1964, around the time that he began writing about his new teaching, Eckankar. By 1965, he was conducting a long-term series of regular workshops and lectures on Eckankar and founded the Eckankar Corporation and Illuminated Way Press in late 1965.
Eckankar was named for a transliteration of the phrase Ik Onkar, which is used in Sikhism. According to the Eckankar glossary, it means "Co-worker with God." ECK is another word for the Holy Spirit, which Eckankar also defines as the Audible Life Current, Life Force, or Light and Sound of God.
The spiritual leader of Eckankar is known as the Living ECK Master, although some Eckankar leaders, such as Twitchell and Harold Klemp, who now serves as the body's leader, have also held the title "Mahanta," which is a reference to the inner aspect of the teacher.
Religious scholars believe that the teachings of Eckankar were heavily influenced by Sikhism, Hinduism, and the Sant Mat movement.
A basic creed in Eckankar is that the Soul, the most sacred part of each person, may be experienced apart from the physical body. Soul Travel is a natural way that a person can expand his consciousness, as the Soul is capable of traveling freely in other planes of reality. Soul is eternal, and it is the individual's true identity. Eckankar teaches that such spiritual experiences are the most natural way back to God.
Certain mantras (chants) are used in Eckankar to encourage spiritual growth. An important exercise is the chanting of Hu, which is intended as a love song to God. ECKists chant or sing it alone or in groups for about a half hour at a time.
Dreams are viewed as significant tools for learning. ECKists are encouraged to keep dream journals to allow for the later study of the content of their dreams. Dream travel is believed to serve as a gateway to Soul Travel. ECKists also believe that karma can be resolved during sleep.
The ultimate spiritual goal for all ECKists is to become conscious Co-workers with God.
The concepts of karma and reincarnation also play into the religion of Eckankar.
The holy scripture of Eckankar is the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, which consists of two books that teach the key beliefs of Eckankar, including Soul Travel, karma, reincarnation, love, Light and Sound, and other topics. There are also a series of Satsang writings that are given out with a yearly membership in Eckankar.
An ECK Light and Sound service usually includes a Hu Song, a period of contemplation, a talk by a member of the clergy, and sometimes a creative arts demonstration or a group discussion. There are worldwide Eckankar seminars in the spring and fall, which include speakers, discussion groups, workshops, creative arts, and other activities.
There are few requirements for membership in Eckankar. Daily spiritual exercises are recommended, the most basic being the singing of the Hu. Other exercises are also offered, and members are encouraged to create their own. ECKists are free to maintain membership in other religions.
Ceremonies include a Consecration ceremony for initiating infants, a Rite of Passage ceremony at the age of thirteen, Wedding ceremonies, and Memorial services.
The focus of this category is on the religion known as Eckankar. Websites whose chief topics are Eckankar may be submitted to this category.
Recommended Resources
Founded in 1965, the religious movement is headquartered in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The official web site of the organization introduces the spiritual leader of Eckankar, and offers an overview of the movement, its membership policies, locations, and upcoming seminars and other scheduled events. ECK Masters are acknowledged, with biographies and quotations. An online book store offers written study materials, as well as audio and video recordings. A private area is available for members.
Eckankar teaches that there is an audible life current known as ECK, or the Holy Spirit, that connects us with the heart of God. Representing members of Eckankar in Canada, the site offers an overview of the religion and its practices, as well as its work and services in Canada, including each of its provinces and territories. Resources include ECK videos, books, Community Hu songs, and free downloads, as well as books that are available on request.
The California Satsang Society is the chartered affiliate of Eckankar within the State of California. Its national and statewide leadership, local service areas, ECK Centers, clergy services, and contacts are published to the site, along with an overview of Eckankar, nationally and statewide, information about its membership and community services, contacts, and announcements. A private login is available for members.
Representing Eckankar in Ghana, the national organization offers events throughout the country to make the teachings of Eckankar available to the public. An overview of the religion and its teachings is set forth, along with its community events, programs for children, youth, and families, and its Light and Sound services, seminars, and other events. A directory of local ECK Centers is included, and announcements are posted to the site.
Representing and presented by the Maine Satsang Society, a chartered affiliate of Eckankar, the site offers general information about Eckankar, worldwide, as well as its services and locations within the State of Maine. Statewide addresses and contacts are posted to the site, along with a calendar of times and locations for upcoming activities, streaming videos, photographs, and announcements.
Teaching that every individual is connected to God through the Divine Spirit (the ECK), Eckankar offers its members the opportunity of experiencing the Light and Sound of God, which is what their services are called. Representing the worldwide religious organization in Switzerland, the the site is available in English, German, French, and Italian. A calendar of seminars and public events is posted to the site, along with contacts, announcements, and a private area of the site for members.
Offering information about Eckankar activities and services in New Zealand Satsang Society, a chartered affiliate of Eckankar. Schedules and information about upcoming seminars, advanced spiritual studies, ECK Light and sound services, and the benefits of membership are put forth. Free books and other materials may be available for download or on request. A private members' area is included.
The online shopping site offers books by Paul Twitchell, Harold Kemp, or other ECK authors, as well as reference books, youth program material and study texts, audio and video recordings, and other products, some available in French or German, as well as English. Special offers are highlighted. Members of Eckankar should log into their accounts in order to see all items and options that may be available to them.
The free online newsletter is published quarterly, offering articles, stories, and spiritual exercises by Sri Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar. Readers may access the newsletters online, subscribe, or unsubscribe through the site, as well as updating their profile, email addresses, or other information. Current issues and archives of past issues are included, and its privacy policies are posted to the site.