The Baptist Missionary Association of America was established in 1950 by former members of the American Baptist Association and continues its parent body's belief in the pre-Protestant origins of the Baptists.
After leaving the American Baptist Association over issues related to church representation, the Association was organized at Little Rock, Arkansas, although it was originally named the North American Baptist Association, taking its current name in 1968.
The Baptist Missionary Association of America is strongest in the South, but it has member churches across the United States and in several other countries, largely due to its strong missionary emphasis. Foreign countries with churches affiliated with the Baptist Missionary Association usually have their own national association, such as the Baptist Missionary Association of Africa, the Baptist Missionary Association of the Philippines, and the Baptist Missionary Association of Australia.
The Association has a strong publications department that publishes literature for Sunday School classes and training courses, as well as pamphlets, tracts, magazines, and books, as well as a printing business in Brazil, where its literature is published in Portuguese for use in Africa and Europe. Its publishing ministries are known as Lifeword Media Ministries and DiscipleGuide Church Resources, both in Conway, Arkansas. A worldwide radio ministry is also supported.
The Association owns the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary, which has campuses in Jacksonville, Texas and in Conway, Arkansas, as well as an online program. The Association also owns Central Baptist College, which had operated as Central College for fifty-five years before closing in 1947, to be reopened by the Association in 1952 under the name of Conway Baptist College, before taking its current name.
The Baptist Missionary Association of America is headquartered in Conway, Arkansas, which also hosts its missions offices. Most member churches also hold memberships in local and state associations, as well as the national body. Churches are fully autonomous, however. Regardless of church size, each local church has an equal voice in the cooperative ministries of the Association. Member churches are required to conform to the doctrines of the Association.
Member churches are theologically fundamental, having a strong emphasis on the inspiration and reliability of Scripture. They believe in direct creation by God, as well as the virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ, his blood atonement, justification by faith, salvation by grace alone, and the imminent return of Christ.
Members of the Baptist Missionary Association observe the ordinances of the Lord's Supper and the baptism of believers, and do not recognize baptisms that have occurred outside of Missionary Baptist churches. As a Landmark Baptist church, the Association holds to the historic succession of independent Baptist churches from the time of Christ.
The focus of this category is on the Baptist Missionary Association, whether of America or another country. Websites representing national or regional organizations of the Association, or of seminaries or colleges owned or operated by the Association, or of peripheral ministries of the Association, such as publishing houses, are appropriate topics for this category. Sites whose topics are centered on the Association may also be listed here, whether official or non-official, supportive or non-supportive. Sites representing local member churches of the Association should be listed in the appropriate Local & Global category, however.
Recommended Resources
Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary
Owned and operated by the Baptist Missionary Association of America, BMA Seminary is in Jacksonville, Texas. Accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, it offers a variety of theological degrees. The faculty’s history and a profile are published to the site, along with a statement of educational awareness, other academic information, and an introduction to its online and on-campus programs.
Started in 1912, the official publication of the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas is published every first and third Wednesday, promoting an interest in missions, evangelism, and Christian education. Baptist Progress also offers a Sunday bulletin service, with a large selection of sizes, styles, and quantities available. Selected articles from the magazine are featured, and its advertising policies, schedules, and both individual and church plan subscriptions are discussed.
The Baptist Missionary Association of America is made up of autonomous churches that have agreed to adhere to the doctrines of the association. BMA churches are shown on an interactive map or may be found on a search within a specified radius from a defined position, and its family of ministries is featured. The BMA Foundation, its services, and contacts are also featured, along with a schedule of the annual meeting.
BMA Life is a portal to the family of ministries that is part of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, which includes BMA Missions, DiscipleGuide Church Resources, BMA Foundation, Ministers Resources Services, Lifeword Media Ministries, BMA Theological Seminary, and Moral Action, each of which are highlighted here, with links when appropriate, as well as news and announcements, video, and other resources.
The Baptist Missionary Association of America’s Department of Missions plants churches throughout the world by sending American missionaries, training and equipping believers, and by providing assistance to local churches. Its directors, church planter trainers, and staff are acknowledged, and missionaries working throughout the world are identified, including furlough schedules. Its other ministries are also highlighted, and contributions may be made through the site.
Founded as Conway Baptist College in 1952, the college is affiliated with the Baptist Missionary Association of Arkansas, and located in Conway, Arkansas, where it awards associate and bachelor’s degrees. Its history, religious doctrine, accreditation status, and an overview of its academic, athletics, and alumni programs are set forth, Its admissions policies and resources for current and future students are included.
The junior college is owned and operated by the Baptist Missionary Association of America, although additional support is provided by the Southern Baptists of Texas. Its admissions policies, tuition and fees, student guidelines, honor code, and online programs are set forth, along with its degree programs, a course catalog, financial aid programs, and graduation requirements.
The Baptist Missionary Association has created a family of ministries, each with a distinct directive. Lifeword Media Ministries assists local churches of the Association through Christ-centered media, including a radio ministry capable of producing programs in more than forty languages, its Lifeword Sunday church bulletin inserts, available in English and Spanish. Opportunities to contribute to the work are set forth, and contacts are posted to the site.
Mississippi Baptist is the journal of the Baptist Missionary Association of Mississippi, associated with the Baptist Missionary Association of America. Its site offers news and information about the state and national organizations, including churches needing a pastor and pastors needing churches, mission reports, and opportunities for service, as well as serving as a portal to other sites associated with the state organizations, archives, and contacts.
Owned and operated by the Baptist Missionary Association of Mississippi, Southeastern offers associate degrees in Bible, Business, and General Education, and Bachelor of Science degrees in Church Ministries and Business. Its campus is highlighted, and its accreditation status, admissions policies, academic and athletic facilities and programs, library, and chapel facilities are included. Alumni services and its ABHE reaffirmation self-study are posted to the site.