The Secular Franciscan Order, also known as the Third Order Secular or Secular Franciscans, are Catholic men and women who live in their own homes, yet seek to pattern their lives in the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi. Secular Franciscans are tertiaries of the Third Order of Saint Francis. Originally known as the Brothers and Sisters of Penance, the Order is open to any Catholic who is not bound by religious vows to another religious Order, and is comprised of lay men and women within the Church, as well as secular clergy, such as deacons, priests and bishops. Secular Franciscans make a public profession and are consecrated, but are not bound by public vows in the manner of the Religious living in community. The Third Order Regular, which grew out of the Third Order Secular, do make religious vows and live in community. As the Secular Franciscan Order is part of the Franciscan family, the Order is responsible to the Franciscan First Order (Order of Friars Minor, Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, Order of Friars Minor Conventual) and to the Third Order Regular, which belong to the same spiritual family, for pastoral care and spiritual assistance. Through his preaching, Francis of Assisi attracted several men and women who wanted to join the Order but, being married, they were ineligible for the First or Second Order. Francis founded the Third Order as an alternative way, giving them a Rule and a role in the Franciscan community. Assisting him in this was Cardinal Ugolino di Conti, who later became Pope Gregory IX. The date of the founding of the Third Order is uncertain, but most scholars suggest 1221 as the date, although a minority of scholars insist that it was the first of the Orders established by Francis of Assisi. It is possible that the Order was created at an earlier date, and made official in 1221. The Third Order is governed by the universal law of the Church, and by its own Rule, its Constitutions, Ritual, and statutes.
Recommended Resources
Brothers and Sisters of Saint Francis
The Southeast Region of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States is one of thirty regional fraternities throughout the United States, and is itself organized into thirty-three local fraternities in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. A history of the Catholic Order is presented, including its work in the United States, a calendar of events is published to the site, and a newsletter and contacts are included.
Franciscan Friars of the Third Order, Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Historically known as the Order of Penance of Saint Francis, the Third Order of Saint Francis includes congregations of vowed men and women, as well as fraternities of men and women living standard lives in the world, generally married. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of two provinces in the United States. A history of the Order and Province is set forth, along with an overview of it s services and membership policies.
NAFRA National Formation Commission
The Formation Commission of the National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States offers information for those who are interested in becoming a member of the Secular Franciscan Order. Its ongoing projects are reported in English, Spanish, Italian, and French. The Rule of Francis is included, along with its general constitutions, national statutes, orientation plans, and other resources.
National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order USA
Formerly known as the Third Order of Saint Francis, the Secular Franciscan Order is an official Order within the Catholic Church, established by Saint Francis of Assisi in the early 1200s. A list of regional fraternities and congregations within the United States are put forth, along with annual reports, and the process for becoming a Secular Franciscan are presented, including its formation process, general constitutions, statutes and guidelines.
Queen of Peace Regional Fraternity of Secular Franciscans
The Queen of Peace Regional Fraternity includes fraternities of the Secular Franciscan Order in Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Fraternities throughout these states are highlighted, including gathering times and places, contacts, and other resources. A downloadable brochure is available, and the Order’s visitation policies, formation process, and various forms and documents are included.
Saint Margaret of Cortona Region - Secular Franciscan Order
The Secular Franciscan Order is the largest canonical Order in the Roman Catholic Church. The Cortona Region covers the Mid-Atlantic section of the United States. Fraternities in the St. Margaret Cortona Region are featured, along with a directory of all of the Fraternities in the United States. Featured is Franciscan spirituality, including an overview of its spiritual direction, information about joining the Secular Franciscan Order.
Secular Franciscan Order, Sacred Heart Fraternity
The Sacred Heart Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order meets on the second Saturday of each month in the Saint Francis Room of the Holy Family Parish Hall in Peoria, Illinois. Directions and contacts are posted, the Rule of Saint Francis and Franciscan Prayers are featured, along with Gospel readings, information about the Tau Cross, and membership policies for the Order.
Secular Franciscans - San Luis Rey Fraternity
The Seculars are a worldwide Franciscan movement dating back to the 13th century. Founded by Saint Francis of Assisi, the Order is a community of Catholic men and women, married and single, who live regular lives in the world, but pattern their lives after Christ in the spirit of Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi. The San Luis Rey Fraternity meets each month at Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside, California. Its formation process, and contacts are posted.