Aviva Directory » Faith & Spirituality » World Religions » Abrahamic Religions » Christianity » Christian Media

For the purpose of this category, Christian Media will refer to Christian films, Christian television, Christian radio, Christian newspapers and magazines, Christian books and Christian publishing companies, these being umbrella terms for media that carries a strong Christian message or moral, those that are produced by Christian media to a Christian audience, and those produced by non-Christians with a Christian audience in mind. Christian media organizations or outlets may also be listed in this category. Christian media outlets or publications carrying topics of a largely local interest should be listed in the appropriate Local & Global section, however. These may include local church newsletters or Christian school newspapers. If the content is likely to have a wider interest, such as a Christian apologetics and Bible study magazine published by a local school, then this may be an appropriate category for it. On the other hand, a magazine whose content is restricted to Catholic apologics might be more appropriately listed in the Catholic Apologetics subcategory. By the same standards, a local Christian radio station should probably be listed in the Local & Global subcategory representing the city or town that it is broadcasting from unless its reach is far wider. When submitting a site, use your best judgement. The directory staff will move it if we consider another category to be more appropriate.


Anabaptist Media

Catholic Media



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