Christianity is the largest of the world's religions, playing a central role in civilization and culture for more than 2,000 years.
Like its parent, Judaism, Christianity contains two essential principles that may appear to be mutually exclusive: its claims to particularity and universality. Christianity claims to be the one true faith, fully disclosed in Jesus Christ, outside of whom there is no salvation. Christianity's claim to universality lies in its appeal to all of humanity through the work of Jesus. By the principle of universality, all other religions are deemed wrong, while Christianity lays claim to being the only path to eternal life.
Christianity grew out of Judaism, holding that Jesus Christ was the Messiah promised throughout the Old Testament. The first followers of Christianity were Jewish, and the first generation of Christians was almost exclusively Jewish. When the Apostle Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost, the large mass of 3,000 converts was Jewish, and they were persuaded to Christianity on the basis of the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy.
From there, Christianity spread quickly from Jerusalem and was soon extended to Gentiles. While Christianity was made up only of Jews, the Torah remained a part of religious life, as Jesus came to fulfill the Law, not to abrogate it. Extended to Gentiles, a problem arose. The Apostle Paul brought the answer to it. Called to Christianity after the ascension of Jesus, Paul did not insist that Gentile converts be circumised, or embrace the Torah. There was conflict within the leadership but it was decided in favor of Paul. In time, even the Jewish Christians began to abandon their Jewish roots.
Until the 1500s, there was only one Church body. Until the Protestant Reformation, the Church was centralized in Catholicism. Today, there are four major divisions - Anabaptist, Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant - and each of these is subdivided into denominations, particularly the Protestants.
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Feature Article

The Birth of a New Religion
In the early days of Christianity, it is unlikely that those outside the
faith understood what it was to be a Christian. As far as the Romans were
concerned, Christians were Jews and Christianity was just another Jewish
sect. In some ways, this may have worked to the advantage of Christians;
since the Jewish faith was recognized throughout the Roman
Empire, this association may have protected them in some areas.
However, most of the Jewish leaders viewed Christianity as a threat. In
their view, Christians had abandoned the Jewish faith and were encouraging
others to do likewise. Christians claimed that Jewish
Law had been fulfilled through Jesus
Christ, and this was seen as, not only heretical, but dangerous as
As the Christian faith expanded among the Gentiles, Christian practices
increasingly diverged from the faith that was practiced by Jesus and his
first disciples.
Within a hundred years, Christianity was recognized as distinct from
Judaism. Christians were no longer welcomed in Jewish synagogues, and the
Roman Empire had begun a campaign of widespread persecution of Christians.
Initially, Christians didn't even view their faith as being separate from
that of the Jews. The earliest Christians were Jews, for one thing, and
they understood their faith to be the culmination of Jewish beliefs, not
as a different religion.
How did those who claimed that Jesus was the Messiah, foretold by Jewish
prophets, come to be seen as a distinct religion?
The first Roman emperor to recognize Christianity as a religion separate
from Judaism
was Nero, but it wasn't meant as a compliment.
For six full days in 64 AD, Rome burned, reducing much of the city to
rubble. Despite the story, circulated at the time, and well known today,
that Nero played a harp while the city burned, credible evidence places
Nero several miles away when the fire began. After hearing the reports, he
rushed back to Rome, organizing the fire-fighting efforts, and allowed
thousands of refugees to stay in his gardens after the fire.
A rumor was circulated that Nero had ordered the fire to be set so that he
could rebuild the city according to his own plans. However, the fire was
probably started by accident in an oil warehouse.
Nevertheless, the rumors hurt Nero politically. In an effort to divert the
blame from himself, Nero blamed the fire on the Christians, a minority
that was unpopular among many groups of people in Rome. In doing so, he
became the first emperor to recognize Christianity as a distinct religion.
Immediately, Nero ordered a campaign of persecution against the
Christians, crucifying some, burning others alive, and setting dogs upon
other Christians.
According to tradition, the Apostle Peter was martyred in Rome during
Nero's persecution, being crucified upside down. The Apostle Paul was also
arrested by Roman authorities, and probably killed by the sword, as it was
illegal to crucify a Roman citizen.
Christians were a convenient target, as they were hated by the Jews and
misunderstood by the Romans. There was also the fact that accusing
Christians for the fire made sense to some people, since the Christians
taught that a large fire would accompany the end of the world.
Why were Christians so unpopular?
For one thing, the Christians believed in only one god, the God of Israel,
which the Romans viewed as arrogant, since it was the practice of the
Romans to cover all of their bases by sacrificing to a multitude of gods,
even to dead emperors.
The practices and customs of the Christians were widely misunderstood by
pretty much everyone outside of the faith.
One example of misunderstand involved the Christian claim that they were
consuming the body and the blood of Christ at their love feasts, which can
be found in John 6:53-56, 1 Corinthians 10:16, 11:23-27, and Jude 1:12.
Christians also referred to one another as brothers and sisters, which
were terms that were used in Egypt to refer to sexual partners. When the
early Christians shared the Lord's Supper, they wouldn't allow
non-believers to watch so, without first-hand information, the Romans
began accusing Christians of cannibalism and incest.
In Galatians 3:28, Paul declared, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there
is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female." In this
passage, and others, Christians taught that every individual mattered,
regardless of social status, and the early Christian church lived
accordingly. This also offended the Romans.
Roman law prohibited slaves from inheriting property, and Roman custom did
not give status to women. If a Roman father didn't want his child, it was
allowable for him to simply leave the infant in a field to die. Christians
challenged these social structures by adopting these unwanted infants,
welcoming slaves, and by recognizing rights for women beyond that which
was the custom of the day.
There is also the fact that Christianity was a new religion. To an extent,
the Romans tolerated the religion of the Jews because the Jewish faith was
ancient, while viewing the Christian faith as a cult.
With the burning of Rome, Christianity became very unpopular among the
Romans, but it also became known to them as a distinct religion. Another
fire, this one in Jerusalem, served to solidify the walls between
Christianity and Judaism.
Although the Romans tolerated the Jewish people, they did not respect
them. Around 50 AD, the Jews were observing the Passover in Jerusalem. A
Roman fortress towered over the Jewish temple. At one point, according to
a secular account, a guard lifted up his robe and bent over indecently,
turning his backside to the thousands of Jews who were in the temple
courts. In the words of Josephus, a Jewish-Roman historian, the guard then
"made a noise as indecent as his posture." As a result of this insult, a
riot broke out, in which as many as thirty-thousand people were reported
to have been killed.
Over the next couple of decades, the bad blood between the Jewish people
and their Roman rulers worsened, and the climate was right for a revolt.
Bands of Jewish rebels overwhelmed Roman strongholds in Jerusalem and
Galilee, and unrest was fomenting in other parts of the Roman Empire as
Emperor Nero knew that he needed to put a stop to the rebellion if was to
maintain his hold on his portion of the Roman Empire. He placed
sixty-thousand troops under the command of a General Vespasian, who was
charged with regaining control over the provinces of Galilee and Judea at
any cost, destroying Jewish communities along the way.
As he was preparing to move on Jerusalem, he received word that Nero had
committed suicide, and he saw that as an opportunity to take the throne
for himself. Once his position was secure, he sent an army to lay siege on
Jerusalem, which came back under Roman control in August of 70 AD. Jewish
rebels were massacred, the city was plundered, survivors were sold as
slaves, and the temple was burned, with only the portion known today as
the "Wailing Wall" remaining.
The revolt was ended, and in so violent a manner as to cause people to
fear becoming associated with odd religious sects. This shift in the
religious landscape resulted in widespread persecution of Christians in
Jerusalem, as had been the case in Rome.
The early years of Christianity were harsh, and they were to continue for
many years, but Christians were no longer regarded as a Jewish sect.
Christianity had become a new religion.
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Affiliated with Moriel Ministries International, the ACT offers information about deception in the Church, the site focuses on the false doctrines, different gospels, and doctrines of demons that have been introduced into many churches today through books, music, videos, teachers, and movements that claim to be of God, but are not. Discernment articles, video, audio, and other media are included.
Centre for Public Christianity
CPX is a not-for-profit media company that offers a Christian perspective on contemporary life, promotes a better understanding of the Christian faith through engaging mainstream media and the public with print, video and audio material about the relevance of Christianity in today's world. Its articles, video and other resources are categorized by topic, and staff contacts are posted, and its partners are acknowledged. An online store is included.
Changing the Face of Christianity
As a ministry to Christians, the site begins with a quiz for Christians only, after which the results are given and referrals are made to one or more of the ministry's programs, which include a Christian discipleship program, a negative Christian stereotypes Bible study, and perhaps others. Blog articles offer tips and practical advice for spiritual growth, and ways in which a site visitor can support the ministry are put forth.
The non-profit, donor-based, evangelism, education and discipleship ministry of Films for Christ seeks to provide accurate, Biblical answers to a large variety of questions that are asked by Christians and non-Christians, which may be submitted online. Available in multiple languages, the site features movie reviews, a streaming video and audio section, as well as answers to Christian questions.
The resource provides original review summaries of books currently on the market in order for potential buyers to make a more informed purchasing decision. The subject matter of books tend to be either self help or fictional novels, and all of them with Christian and religious themes, although non-fiction books are also represented. Christian gifts, apparel, jewelry, and toys are also represented, and a search field allows the reader to find the topic they are interested in.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Hosted by Calvin College, CCEL includes book reviews and recommendations, DVDs, and other resources for Christian education and learning, as well as an archive of Christian hymns, and the entire text of the World Wide Study Bible, including the Apocrypha. A discussion forum, online study groups, volunteer opportunities, and an online store offering audio CDs, Kindle books, apps, and other downloads are also offered.
Useful to pastors, Christian and church teachers, Bible study leaders, authors, and everyday Christians, the lyrics to Christian songs can be found by browsing alphabetical listings of the artists, by top artists of the week, or through a keyword search. Visitors to the site are encouraged to submit lyrics for consideration, advertising opportunities, and ringtones may also be available.
Offering text, video and audio highlighting the history of Christianity and other biblical content, sorted into a variety of topical categories, such as God, the Bible, Church, Christian Theology, and Christian Life, with resources for Christian leaders, teachers and thinkers. Also available is a Bible search feature, Bible trivia and devotionals, as well as blogs, advertising opportunities, and policy information.
Christianity and What is Good Forever
Created and maintained by Robert Sherbondy, the site offers informational resources for the study, discussion and appreciation of Christianity, with topics such as God, the Trinity, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, basic doctrine regarding sin, the Christian faith, eternal security, getting into heaven, the second coming of Jesus, God's family and the Church, the nature of effective prayer, Christian morality, and studying the Bible.
David Nikao offers a variety of Christian articles, such as his prophecy fulfillment study series that includes the 70th week of Daniel deception, the Olivet discourse deceptions, the Revelation timeline decoded, Islam in Bible prophecy, and coming out of Babylon. He also includes a list of Bible study and theology resources that he recommends, including books for further reading. He discussion his authority and qualifications.
Hundreds of free Sunday school lesson articles for children and teens are featured, along with Bible games, craft suggestions, activities, including lists of the materials required, children's devotions, ideas for service projects, object lessons, and science projects that are compatible with Christianity. Other resources include printable coloring books and other printables, and free downloadable Bible lessons in PDF format or available through email.
The online resource seeks to help people find Jesus in the pages of Scripture, to live lives that glorify God, and to communicate their faith effectively, including a range of materials to introduce Christ to those who are unfamiliar with His message, reaching those who do not yet believe, training believers in sharing their faith and strengthening the confidence of church leaders in the Bible. Questions are answered, stories are told, and a private area for church leaders is included.
Iain Emberson projects an overview of Christian faith and practice, including sections on the three main branches of Christianity, that being Orthodox, Protestant, and Roman Catholic, along with a comparison of the teachings of each tradition. Other resources include a question and answer page, a world map giving statistics and percentages of Christians by country, other demographics related to the Christian faith, and a timeline of Christian history.
J. Warner Wallace is a cold-case homicide detective and author who continues to consult on cold-case investigations while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview and adjunct professor of apologetics at Biola University. An atheist until thirty-five, he became a Christian after taking a serious look at the evidence for Christianity, which is what he presents here, in textual articles, videos, podcasts, teaching outlines, and smart phone applications.
Offering a variety of Christian resources, such as information on marriage, parenting and family issues, Bible study, prayer, spiritual growth and devotionals, as well as current events and reviews, from a Christian perspective, of movies, music, television, and books. Also included are infographics, quizzes, blogs, devotional apps, and newsletters. Advertising opportunities may be available.
This site was developed for the purpose of encouraging former Christians, and those who have decided to de-convert from Christianity. Personal stories, testimonials, letters and comments from site visitors are posted to the site, along with relevant news, a gallery of photographs and images, podcasts, videos, and other resources for those who hold positions in opposition to Christianity.
Online since 1994, the Fig Leaf Forum is a resource for Christian nudists and naturalists. Its mission, vision, values and history are outlined here, along with a reader map. Although most of its content requires membership and a login, the site features testimonies of members, fiction, poetry, letters from readers, and excerpts from books, magazines, newspapers, web sites, message boards, and an archive of articles.
Published by the Institute on Religion and Public Life, an inter-religious, nonpartisan research and educational organization, First Things was created by Richard John Neuhaus and colleagues to confront the ideology of secularism and the secularist’s insistence that faith has no place in shaping public conversation or policy. Subscriptions to the print edition is available through the site, and web exclusives and other content may be viewed online.
Maintained and contributed to from a number of Christian organizations, the site offers articles on various topics related to Christianity, music, podcasts, Bible studies, devotionals, and other content. Also included is a topical index, a directory of Christian organizations and ministries, a gospel overview, a daily Bible verse, and a blog. Bible study and devotional books are available for purchase online.
Maintained by Got Questions Ministries and its volunteer staff of trained servants who have a desire to assist others to better understand God, the Scripture, salvation and other spiritual topics, this online resource seeks to offer biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritual questions. Crucial questions are pre-answered, while visitors to the site are given the opportunity to ask additional questions. Other Christian resources are also available.
Written and created by Jack Kelley, this site has been online since 1999, publishing thousands of Bible study resources, that include articles on Bible study, questions and answers, electronic books that are downloadable from the site, and audio files. Current features are on the homepage, while the reader can use its Explore page to search and browse its resources. Its outreach ministries are also featured.
Greenbelt is an independent Christian charity working through the arts, and particularly through its annual art festival. The history of the organization, its organizational structure, and festival information, such as schedules, a lineup of featured artists, area accommodations, and online ticket sales, are put forth. Recorded talks may be ordered from the site on USB sticks, while earlier talks are free for downloading.
Jesus Christ is the Only Way to God
The site offers a large amount of content, including the entire text of the King James Bible, an overview of the Bible, Christian hymns with words and music, testimonies of Christians, a basics section for new Christians and seekers, a deliverance area for Christians who need to be delivered from things they want to stop doing, a believer’s corner for Christians, and a Christian family page.
Key Life is a program that seeks to help Christians experience the freedom and joy that comes from grace in Christ. Broadcasting from radio stations in the United States, Canada, Iraq, Palau, and elsewhere, stations carrying its show are posted, along with its schedules and podcasts. Articles and video on various Christian topics are included, and several online discussion forums are included.
Unaffiliated with any particular church, denomination or other entity, the Christian ministry creates Sunday School materials, providing complete lesson plans along with ideas for bulletin boards, crafts, object talks, games, skits, stories, songs, teaching tips, and other resources. A history of the site, client testimonials, a statement of faith, and staff contacts are included. A customer login is also available.
Headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, the company owns and operates more than one hundred and seventy Christian stores across the county, as well as the Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina. The company also publishes books and the CSB Bible translation under its B&H Publishing Group imprint. Articles, sermons, Sunday School helps, and research topics are presented, and an online shopping area is included.
Founded in New Zealand by Ray Comfort, as a free evangelistic newspaper, in 1974, Living Waters sponsors training conferences for Christian leaders and publishes CDs, DVDs, books, and gospel tracts, as well as producing evangelistic movies and documentaries. Some of its materials may be downloaded from the site for free, while other resources are available for purchase online. A history of the ministry is included.
The blog of Bob Mulch, of Aylmer, Ontario, is focused on the discussion of ways in which we can live a life more like the one that Christ would have us live. Topics include salvation, sanctification, the holiness movement, practical living, devotional life, living free from sin, and false teachings. Christian books, podcasts, audio books, and other resources are also discussed, and a for sale section is also included.
Features a free, online tool for churches, allowing the creation of a social network for church congregations, each with tools designed for churches to engage their members, such as a sermon and media library, a place for announcements or prayer requests, event calendar, classified board, and areas where members can share their stories through blogs, Bible verses, and videos. Premium subscriptions offer additional features.
National Coalition of Pastors' Spouses
The NCPS is charged with advocating for improvements in education and awareness levels in minority communities, health initiatives, and to help to improve risk identification for diseases and social problems that are detrimental to minority communities. Membership details are provided, its board of directors are identified, and a blog is included, along with news bulletins and an online store.
Founded by Dr. Rick Warren, who also leads the Purpose Driven Network of Churches, the Pastors Community serves as a place for Christian leaders to connect. The site includes articles on a number of topics, including leadership, preaching, discipleship, groups, communication, culture, family, resources, recovery, theology, and worship. An online store sells a large variety of Christian resources.
Founded by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, the site focuses on programs and resources for Christian women, inspiring women to lead Biblical lives. An overview of the ministry, financial statements and reports are put forth, along with radio schedules, a calendar of events, a variety of articles and video on Christian topics for women, a newsletter, and an online store where books, CDs, DVDs, and other resources are available.
Headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Sermon Central offers thousands of sermons, illustrations and dramas available for research, with hundreds more added each week. A premium upgrade to the service offers audio-visuals, access to a database of sermon illustrations, PowerPoint slides, and improved searches, as well as the ability to plan sermon schedules in advance, storing material needed to organize, plan and write better sermons.
Online since 2002, the ministry aims to preserve and propagate classical vintage preaching, and to promote genuine Biblical revival. Non-denominational in scope, the site features a database of audio sermons, text sermons, video sermons, and vintage images. Sermons audio may be sorted by speaker, topic, Scripture or by podcast. Christian books and Bibles can also be downloaded. A discussion forum is included on the site.
A brief summary of the development of the Christian religion is put forth, from the creation of the earth and man, to Adam and Even disobeying God and being evicted from the Garden, to the flooding of the earth, Abraham's faithfulness, Moses receiving the Law, the disobedience of the Israelites, and the message of the prophets, to Christ coming to earth, His ministry and teachings, death and resurrection, the coming of the Holy Spirit and the growth of the Church.
Beginning in the late 1990s, the purpose of the Elijah List is to connect God's prophets to one another and, through them, to offer daily prophetic worship and intercessory content to as many believers and unbelievers as possible, working through its email subscription list and web site. Prophetic words may be searched within its site, and there is also an events schedule, download center and online store. Advertising opportunities may be available.
Growing from a program of preaching and reading the Bible, shared by the Orchard Evangelical Free Church congregation and its pastor, Colin Smith, the Unlocking the Bible website helps people build their lives on the Bible. You can order DVDs, CDs, books and booklets of the Bible on this website. The website also provides a radio broadcast if you prefer to get Biblical inspiration by audio rather than through print.
Working across denominational, cultural and national lines, the Walk Thru the Bible website is a resource that helps people to understand the Bible and learn the Christian message through live events, small-group curricula, daily magazines, books and other publications. The website has resources for small groups, pastors and youth pastors. The website also offers continuing education resources to help people learn the Bible.
What is So Bad About Christianity?
Exploring Christian history, beliefs and creeds, this site questions, criticizes or condemns pretty much every facet of Christianity, even that Jesus had ever lived. Christian authorities are examined, along with early Christian history, origins, and concepts. Several case studies and situations alleging deception on the part of the Christian Church are discussed, and Christianity is blamed for slavery, racism, physical abuse, the poor treatment of women, and much of what ails the human race.
Currently providing a range of services to Christians including camps, conferences, centers and Bible institutes, the company began in 1946 with the purchase of an island to be used as a Christian camp. The first American Bible Institute was opened in Brazil in 1970, and WOL now has Institutes in fourteen countries. Its histories, ministries, volunteer opportunities, and an online store are featured, and contributions may be made through the site.
Maintained by a team of non-denominational volunteers who were once members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, this site shares their understanding of the last message of mercy given in the Bible, along with the news of the second coming of Christ, anticipated in the near future. Free online Bible courses are offered, along with articles on a number of topics, streaming video, a section on natural remedies to common ailments, and an online discussion forum. Updates are posted to the site.