By Islamic tradition, the djinn (jinn, genii) are a race of creatures parallel to that of humans. According to the Qur’an, the djinn are bright and radiant creatures, composed of smokeless flame.
Frequently mentioned in the Qur’an and throughout Islamic literature, the djinn are roughly the equivalent of demons in Judaic and Christian tradition. In Christianity, spiritual entities are divided between angels and demons, with angels being righteous and demons wicked but, in Islam, the djinn are portrayed more similarly to humans, in that some of them are good, while others are evil, with the vast majority somewhere in between.
The djinn are capable of acting independently of Allah, just as people are, although some factions of Islam deny them the capacity of free will. Commonly, the djinn are portrayed as being able to choose to do good or to do evil, which differs considerably from Christian angels and demons.
Interestingly, not all djinn hold to the Islamic faith, with some subscribing to Islam, others to Judaism, others to Christianity, and others to atheism or idolatry, much like humanity.
While mostly hidden from humans, the djinn raise families, eat foot, have cities and governments, and so on. The djinn are able to act non-physically, their bodies being described as ethereal or incorporeal. When they appear to humans, they may appear as clouds or shadows, in human or animal form, and often something in between. Some are viewed as beautiful while others appear to be hideous.
Although individual djinn have been known to act kindly toward people, overall they are believed to harbor animosity toward the human race.
Particularly malevolent djinn are believed to inhabit areas associated with filth, refuse and death, graveyards and garbage dumps being typical haunts. Mohammad is reported to have said that bones and feces were the food of the djinn, and to have forbidden men from urinating in holes because the djinn dwell in such holes. They are also said to haunt human houses.
The origins of the djinn are unclear. Some Islamic scholars hold that they originated as evil spirits living in deserts and unclean places, and that they often took the form of animals. Others suggest that they were originally pagan deities who became marginalized when other deities assumed more significant roles.
There is documentation that djinn were worshipped by Arabs during the pre-Islamic period, but that they were not believed to be immortal. Although their mortality placed them below that of the immortal deities, the djinn played a more important role in the lives of pre-Islamic Arabs than that of the gods. The djinn were thought to be the source of inspiration for soothsayers, philosophers, and poets.
The djinn also participated in the affairs of mankind in pre-Islamic culture, with tribes of djinn allying themselves with Arab tribes at war with other Arab tribes. In battle, the djinn were feared because they could shift into other shapes, including invisible forms in which they could attack without being seen.
Storms, disease, and other maladies were often attributed to the djinn.
In Islamic tradition, Muhammad was sent as a prophet to both human and djinn communities, and other prophets and messengers were also sent to both communities.
Al-Baqara, the second chapter of the Quran, holds that God sent the angels to create Adam as a successor on earth, and some Islamic scholars believe. that the djinn were the predecessor. In Solomon, the djinn were portrayed as nature spirits, while Solomon was gifted by God to talk to animals and spirits. Later, God gave Solomon authority over the rebellious djinn and the devils, after which he forced them to build the First Temple.
In other Islamic writings, the Quran speaks of pagan Arabs who called for the djinn for help rather than to God.
However, a belief in djinn is not included in the six articles of Islamic faith, while the belief in angels is.
The focus of this portion of our guide is on the djinn, who were also known as jinn or genie, although the latter term is sometimes reserved for devils.
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The Djinn

The Djinn are not well known in the Western world where, if they are known
at all, it is as genies -- the magical and enormous entity found in the
Arabian Nights story of Aladdin. To the Western mind, genies grant three
wishes when a lamp that the inhabit is rubbed.
However, the Djinn (Jinn) is actually an Islamic
entity with origins in Arabian lore. In Islam, the Djinn is often mentioned
in the Qur'an, with an entire chapter, specifically the 72nd sura, talking
about this supernatural creature.
The Djinn is a spiritual
creature with supernatural powers. It is said that they are of equal
stature with angels,
but that the latter live in heaven while the Djinn live on earth. They live
in a parallel world, here on earth, where they cannot be seen by humans, and
through which the Djinn can cross over and interact with people, often
interfering in human affairs.
The Djinn are invisible unless they choose otherwise, but they are master
shape shifters, their most common forms being snakes and black dogs,
although they have the ability to take on any
form they wish -- be it that of an insect, human, alien,
fairie, angel, or pretty much anything.
According to Islamic teaching, the Djinn are one of three sapient creations
of Allah, the others being angels and humans. Angels are made of a spiritual
light while humans are made of clay and water. The Djinn, on the other hand,
are made of smokeless fire, yet are physical in nature, have free will, and
may be either good or evil, or something in between.
The Djinn have existed since antiquity, and have been known prior to their
appearance in Islamic lore. They are said to live very long lives, yet they
are not immortal and can be killed. They are usually invisible to the human
eye, but many animals have the ability to see them. They often live in
lonely places, such as the desert and caves, but sometimes reside in the
same homes as humans, but in another dimension.
The Djinn can be summoned through magical rites and can sometimes be
controlled by humans, used for their ability to grant wishes and do tasks
using their powers. However, they have disdain for the human race, are
difficult to control, and are angered easily, making them dangerous and
malicious. They are master tricksters. When they grant wishes to humans,
they are often able to twist and maneuver the results to the detriment of
the wisher.
One of the human beings said to have controlled the Djinn successfully is
the Biblical
King Solomon. The Qur'an relates a story where Solomon is given a copper and
iron ring by God that contained several Djinn creatures. According to
tradition, copper and iron are said to weaken the Djinn, and for this
reason, King Solomon was able to control them and to protect himself from
their powers. King Solomon branded the Djinn as his slaves and ordered them
to build the Temple of Jerusalem and the entire city.
According to the Qur'an, the Djinn had inhabited the earth more than two
thousand years before Adam and Eve were created. When Allah created Adam, he
ordered the angels and the Djinn to bow down to him. Angered by this,
particularly because the Djinn considered themselves to be superior to the
newly created humans, Iblis, the Djinn leader, refused to do so and, as a
result, together with the rest of the Djinn, he was cast out of paradise.
Iblis became known as Shaytan and became a figure comparable to the Devil,
or Satan.
According to Islam, the Djinn were created by Allah to serve the same
purpose as humans, to worship Allah. Islamic writings have it that Muhammad
encountered the Djinn during his lifetime, and was able to convert many of
them to Islam by reading the Qur'an to them.
The Djinn are not confined to either the Middle East or the past. They still
exist until today, and dwell on earth. Although they live in a parallel
world, they have the ability to enter the world of humans and to interact
with humans at will. They often appear to humans as demonic
figures, but may also appear as beautiful and seductive.
The Djinn are both male and female, and can produce children. They are often
attracted to humans, to mate with them, and to produce children who are half
human and half Djinn. Queen of Sheba, who existed during King Solomon's
time, is said to be an offspring of a human and a Djinn.
The Djinn are supernatural creatures, but they are not immortal and they do
many of the things that humans do. They eat, sleep, play, and even have
pets. They have communities with their own leaders and kings, as well as
their own set of laws. As noted earlier, they often prefer remote areas such
as the desert, caves and tunnels, but also reside in places of impurity such
as graveyards and trash dumps. However, they can also live in the same
houses where humans live, residing in places between the shade and the
light. They move around at dusk, when the first signs of darkness start to
appear, and often the humans with whom they share a home are unaware of
their existence.
The Djinn can be summoned through rituals and spells but they are hard to
control and are very malicious. They can be asked to do things using their
magical powers but they often twist wishes in order to wreak havoc on
human's lives. Even when a Djinn has established a love relationship with a
human, the Djinn considers himself to be the superior. As a species, they
have never forgiven the humans for having displaced them on the earth.
Recommended Resources
According to the site, Mwinji Habib is a natural-born psychic and Egyptian spell caster who can help someone get the best djinn to grant any wish without adverse consequences. The site reveals the three wishes that cannot be granted by the djinn and discusses what the djinn can do for you, and the wishes they can grant, as well as that there is both good and evil djinn, and some specific djinn are introduced. Rings promising the power of the djinn are for sale. A blog is also included.
An overview of the Djinn is put forward, including four spells intended to summon the Jinn, a spell that may be used for the invoking of four Genies to grant any wish, and ten Djinn rituals. Two of the summoning spells are available for purchase in its online store, those being the invocation of the Angel of Wealth and the Angel of Invisibility. Free spells are also available. Although it hasn't been updated in years, a blog offers several posts relating to the djinn.
Shanti, a fifth-generation psychic medium and clairaudient, who has studied the djinn for nearly fifty years, offers a history of the djinn, and information about their tribes, care, bonding, and invocations. A shopping area is included, where various rings, supposedly representing a specific djinn, are offered for sale, along with instructions on how to care for the rings and to bond with the adopted djinn. Other supplies and materials are also offered for sale, along with client testimonials.
Islam Awareness: Concept of Djinn/Jinn/Ghosts/Genie in Islam
The different types of jinn are described in the Quran and Sunnah, and their characteristics, limitations, and purpose are discussed, along with the fact that the jinn are held responsible for the dictates of Islam. Other information about the world of the jinn, and their relationships with the human race are outlined, according to Islam. Can a human marry a jinni? Did Allah raise prophets from among the jinn? These questions are answered, along with other essays.
Several articles on the jinn of the Quran are published, including the creation and hierarchy of the Jinnat, the powers of the Jinnat and the tasks that they are capable of accomplishing, and whether there are Muslim jinns in the world today. Other questions that are answered included whether Islam permits taking help from Jinnat, where in the world the jinn can be found, and how they can be brought under control or made subservient to a human.
“Master of the Jinn” is a Sufi Islam novel by Irving Karchmar, in which a modern-day Sufi master sends seven companions on a quest for the original Ring of Power, by which the Jinn may be commanded. Excerpts from the book are provided, along with reviews and author information. An audio version of the book is available from Audible or iTunes. The book may be ordered through the site. Other writings from the author are also highlighted and made available for purchase.
Religion of Islam: The World of the Jinn
Available in several languages, an introduction to the existence and abilities of Jinn is provided from the perspective of its role in the Islamic religion. The existence of the Jinn is spoken of in the Quran, and several citations are given, and the supernatural abilities of the Jinn are discussed. A second section, linked to from this page, discusses the hidden activities of the Jinn and ways to be protected from them. Footnotes and side references are provided.