Unidentified flying objects are flying objects whose nature is unknown, often thought to have extraterrestrial origins. By general definition, the term may refer to any anomaly in the sky, or on the ground, that is observed flying, hovering, landing or taking off, which is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon. In the 1940s and 1950s, UFOs were generally referred to as flying saucers or discs. The modern UFO era began in 1947, when newspapers all over the United States carried a report from Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot from Idaho who reported sighting nine very bright, disk-shaped objects while flying his plane near Mount Rainier. During the next seven or eight years, there were so many flying saucer reports that the term was added to Webster’s Dictionary. In 1952, a US Air Force F-86 jet interceptor shot at a flying saucer, according to Edward J. Ruppelt, who was chief of the Air Force’s Project Blue Book, a special project set up in 1952 to investigate UFO reports, replacing projects Sign and Grudge. The term “UFO” was created by Ruppelt in 1953 to replace other terms, as the craft were sometimes reported as taking other shapes. In the early 1950s, there were many UFO reports made by Air Force pilots. Although a large percentage of these were dismissed by investigators as misidentifications of natural phenomena, there were several reports from reliable witnesses that could be classified in no other way than as unidentified flying objects. Nevertheless, Project Blue Book was terminated in December of 1969, and the Air Force has officially refused to investigate any further reports. Currently, UFO reports are summarily dismissed as hoaxes or natural phenomena, yet sightings have not abated. A 1996 Gallup poll revealed that more than 70% of the US population believed that the government was covering up information regarding UFOs. A 2002 poll yielded similar results, including belief among 48% of those polled that they were alien spacecraft.
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Become a Ufologist

Yes, it is true that you, too, can become a ufologist. Ufology refers to the study and activities associated with unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The subject of investigations by governments and scientists over the years, investigations into UFOs have, in recent years, been relegated to private organizations and individuals.
During the 1940s and 1950s, large-scale scientific studies were conducted into the phenomenon that were popularly known as flying saucers. The term UFO was created in 1953 by the United States Air Force to acknowledge the variety of shapes that were reported. However, official research into UFOs ended, in the United States, in 1969, and ufology has not been embraced by academia as a serious field of scientific study. Many within the scientific community consider ufology to be a pseudoscience.
The field of ufology includes individuals from all walks of life, many of whom entered the field after observing such objects in the air or undergoing other experiences that led them to believe that the earth has been visited by extraterrestrial beings.
Among them are individuals with scientific credentials, such as Stanford physicist Peter A. Sturrock, astronomer J. Allen Hynek, computer scientist and astronomer Jacques F. Vallee, and meteorologist James E. McDonald.
The lack of acceptance of ufology by academia as a field of study has led to a situation where anyone can claim to be a UFO researcher or ufologist without credentials or peer review. These include radio hosts, photographers, former military personnel, police, librarians, engineers, and others, including those who claim to have been abducted by aliens.
While a form of peer review exists within the ufology community, along with training programs, the lack of an academic clearinghouse allows one claim to be as valid as another and, even among scientifically inclined ufologists, the collection of data is generally done by amateur investigators.
Organizations conducting research into UFOs rely almost entirely on contributions from the public, or membership fees, for their support. These are barely sufficient to maintain an office, and are seldom enough to pay full-time investigators. In fact, while reviewing ufology websites, it is often difficult to determine if they represent an actual organization, or merely an individual who has created a website.
Because such a small percentage of the scientific community considers ufology to be a legitimate topic for scientific study, those who study UFOs seriously do so as an avocation. Many of these individuals and organizations endeavor to adhere to scientific methods, but they do so as an unpaid activity, doing the best they can with what they have, often investing their own resources into the project.
For those who wish to become involved in ufology, there are training programs available, although none that are conducted as programs of study in major universities. Some have chosen to learn the field by joining one of several UFO organizations, and being assigned a mentor.
Perhaps the best known of the UFO organizations is the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which has chapters throughout the United States, and in other countries. MUFON offers an online training program, and certifies those who complete it. In conjunction with this, the organization publishes the MUFON Field Investigator's Manual, and offers identification cards, patches and other items.
Another option is the Civilian Department of Ufology (CDU), which publishes its own handbook, which includes an exam that has to be passed in order to be certified as a ufologist.
Alternatively, because there are no accepted standards in the field of UFO studies, you could create your own website, publish your own study guide, and issue your own credentials. If you're very good at what you do, you may earn a spot on late-night radio.
Recommended Resources
Privately owned and operated, Aliendisc is a UFO and paranormal forum based in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. While anyone may read the forum discussions, participation requires registration. Discussion topics include breaking news, aliens and unidentified flying objects, the paranormal, conspiracy theories, entertainment, and other subjects. A photo gallery is included. A calendar of events is included.
On September 16, 1994, more than sixty students at Ariel Primary School in rural Zimbabwe, Africa reported seeing a disc-shaped UFO landing behind the schoolhouse during their morning break. Some of the children were approached by two strange beings who had come from the craft. A promo and trailer for the documentary are featured here, along with press information, photographs, and a fundraising appeal.
British UFO Research Association
BUFORA is an evaluative organization formed in 1962 to unite people and organizations within Great Britain and England focused on UFO phenomena. Featured are the results of investigative reports, research data, UFO sightings, and analysis of UFO photographs, as well as book reviews, featured and guest articles on the subject, and press and media enquiries. A UFO investigators training course may be available.
CUFOS is an international association of scientists, investigators, academics, and others who are interested in the examination and analysis of UFO information, and the promotion of serious scientific interest in unidentified flying objects. Available in multiple languages, the site offers an archive of reports, documents, and publications, book reviews and recommended books, a list of UFO researchers, and inventories.
In 1947, a rash of unexplained flying objects swept America. Although the US Air Force was the primary investigating body for these sightings, the Federal Bureau of Investigation received several reports, and worked with the Air Force for a while in investigating these reports. This release covers the FBI's role in investigating UFO reports between 1947 and 1954, with some areas redacted. A keyword search may be made.
Headquartered in Arizona, the International UFO Congress is dedicated to the dissemination of reports and other news of unidentified flying objects, or ufology. Established in 1991, the Congress holds an annual conference, which have been held in various venues, which are announced here, along with feature presentations, speakers, schedules, vendors, and lodging and travel information. An online store is included.Advertising opportunities may be available.
International UFO Museum & Research Center
Located in Roswell, New Mexico, the site offers information, photographs and documentation of an incident that occurred northwest of Roswell in July of 1947, as well as links to UFO researchers and related information and resources. A gift shop is included. Photos and descriptions of many of the museum's exhibits are presented, along with its location, hours of operation, and contacts. The facility's research resources are also outlined.
James Clarkson UFO Investigations
Representing James E. Clarkson, Ufologist and State Director of the Mutual UO Network in Washington State, the site offers biographical information as well as an overview of his work in Washington, synopses of books that he has authored on the subject, a calendar of speaking engagements, and other events, as well as radio and television shows that he has, or will be, appearing on, along with articles on commentary.
Recent sightings of unidentified flying objects are published, including photographs and video, and categorized according to continent, year of sighting, and UFO shape. Other features include documentation of famous UFO case, documentaries that have been prepared on the subject, other media related to the topic, and a list and description of some of the more famous sightings. Sightings may be reported to the site.
As a program of the Mutual UFO network (MUFON), the organization's television programming may be viewed in live streaming through the site. Additionally, a playlist of hundreds of related videos and archived programs may be viewed online by members of MUFON or by those who subscribe separately to the MUFON TV channel. Memberships or subscriptions may be purchased online. An online shopping area is also available.
Established in 1969, and more commonly known as MUFON, the mission of this organization is to further the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity, investigating UFO sightings and collecting the data in its database, and educating the public on the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects and their potential impact on society. Its research activities, membership policies, and schedules are posted, and an online store is included. UFOs may be reported online.
Reports of sightings of unidentified flying objects can be made through the NUFORC online report form, to be added to a database which can be accessed by site visitors. Other topics include case highlights and briefs chosen by the directors, historical reports, videos, and other resources. News and updates are posted to the site, and the latest UFO reports are highlighted, and the full database may be searched by keyword.
The author, journalist and television personality, Nick Pope, once ran the British government’s UFO Project, and is a recognized expert on Unidentified Flying Objects. His biography, public speaking engagements, contacts, policies on accepting requests, and synopses of books that he has written are set forth, along with articles and information on conspiracy theories, science fiction, UFO reports, and on UFOs in general.
Project 1947 is an international effort to document the origins of the modern UFO phenomenon. Featured are press releases, including recent UFO sighting reports, historical UFO reports, several articles on the subject of unidentified flying objects, the text of several documents relating to UFOs, video, and photographs. Volunteer opportunities are highlighted, and links to other UFO sites are included.
The site is made up of three main sections: evidence, energy and expedition, as well as pages dedicated to its documentary films, and a section that offers further information about the movement to force the government to disclose the presence of UFOs. The “evidence” section contains testimonies and documentation, while the “energy” section details the government’s projects to reverse-engineer alien technology, and the “expeditions section discusses various research programs.
Headed by Dr. Steven Greer, The Disclosure Project is a research project working to disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems, including hundreds of government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and UFO cover-ups. The campaign to call for full disclosures is discussed, along with media press kits, and contacts.
The final tranche of UFO files released by the UK National Archives contains a wide range of documents, drawings, letters and photos related to unidentified flying objects (UFOs) covering the final two years of the Ministry of Defense's UFO Desk, from late 2007 to November of 2009. Highlights of the documents are made available here in PDF format, or each section of the documents may be downloaded separately.
Offering a variety of products related to unidentified flying objects and aliens from space, the online shopping site includes DVDs of documentaries and movies featuring UFOs, science fiction, and fantasy topics, including boxed sets, as well as plastic model kids, printed and electronic books, vintage CDs of UFO-related radio shows and electronic magazines, audio and video downloads, collectibles, and gifts.
Case files, special cases and research files on unidentified flying object reports and sightings are featured here, along with various documents on the subject, photographs of UFOs, videos, and alien files. Special cases are highlighted, including triangular craft, reports by police, military and pilots, UFO crashes, physical traces of UFOs, UFOs and water, UFOs and planes, and UFO landings. Historical sightings are included.
Powered by a phpBB forum script, the online discussion forum allows for the discussion of topics related to unidentified flying objects and related topics, including UFO sightings, alien sightings, Area 51, evidence of aliens on earth, ancient aliens, and alien conspiracy theories, along with personal experiences, alien abduction stories, and related subjects. Registration is required for participation, but not for reading forum discussions.
The sites provides in-depth research and information on the UFO phenomenon and the search for extraterrestrial life. Current and past UFO sightings and reports are documented, and selected UFO cases are discussed in detail. Other resources include topical articles and news, documents and resources, UFO photographs, and a directory of cases. Sighting reports may be browsed by a number of variables, including special types of witnesses, shapes of UFOs, Hynek classifications, and others.
The organization collaborates in the dissemination of UFO data, which is posted online, with text descriptions and metadata. An interactive map showing reported UFO sightings is presented, along with statistical information, video, images, and other maps. UFO sightings may be reported through the site, and an invitation is made for qualified individuals to join its UFO research team. Its topics may be browsed or located through a keyword search.
As its name implies, UFO Insight is an online magazine dedicated to publishing articles and information about unidentified flying objects, space travel, extraterrestrials, and related subjects. Its main topics include conspiracies, UFOs, aliens, the supernatural, space, health, and editorials. A solicitation for new writers is featured, with details included, and contributions may be made to the publication via Bitcoin.
This niche directory offers a categorized list of links to websites whose topics relate to unidentified flying objects and other loosely related topics, such as cryptozoology, divination, and government coverups. Sites may be submitted to the directory. Powered by phpBB, a discussion forum is also included, featuring several topics related to UFOs and extraterrestrials. While anyone may read topics, a free membership account is required for participation in discussions.
Created by the British ufologist, Gary Heseltine, the online magazine presents articles written by several UFO researchers and ufologists, as well as guest articles and regular contributors. UFO sightings within the United Kingdom and elsewhere are reporters here, along with other news related to space and science, ancient aliens, classic UFO documents, UFO history, and other subjects. Conference schedules, quotes, and legal notices are included.
The database of UFO sightings and reports of abductions offers video and textual documentation, UFO news reports, a gallery of photographs, and a chat area. UFO sightings or abductions may be reported through the site, and there is a feature to allow others to register their UFO sightings through other participating websites, or to add the feature to their own site. Other features include a map of unidentified flying object sightings.
Featuring both flash and HTML presentations, the site is focused on providing information about unidentified flying object sightings, UFO stories, reported encounters, photographs, video, and links to related content. A newsletter may also be subscribed to. Site visitors are encouraged to submit UFO reports to the site, giving as much detail as possible. Submitted reports may be published to the site.
Focused on reports of unidentified flying objects, extraterrestrials, and related topics, the site publishes news reports. Special sections include space reports, topics related to UFOs from a science perspective, alien technology, scientific achievements, space exploration, and alien life, as well as the effects that alien life may have on religion, and other paranormal subjects. Advertising opportunities may also be included.
Created in 2009, the site collects reports of unidentified flying objects, and makes an attempt to debunk fake reports and hoaxes. Sighting reports are posted to the site, along with news relating to UFOs, official disclosures of UFO files or reports, and articles on UFOs, extraterrestrials, or science topics related to space and UFOs. Visitors to the site are invited to report UFO sightings through the site's report form. Most content is available in English and Spanish.