Human speech has two distinctive and complementary functions and modes: forward and reverse, also known as overt and covert. The overt mode is that which we’re all familiar with and aware of, as we choose our words, frame our sentences, and speak them forward. The covert mode of speech is spoken simultaneously with the overt mode, and we’re not even conscious of it. It is constructed by automatic cognitive processes. These two modes of speech are independent of one another, but form an integral part of communication. Language development in children starts backward before it does forward, as baby talk. As the child learns overt speech, the two modes will integrate to form a bi-level communication process. Constructed on a subconscious level, reverse speech is understood subconsciously, as a spontaneous subliminal message. Because we are unaware of the message we are receiving in reverse, it bypasses our logic center and is more likely to be trusted. Understanding this phenomenon, advertising agencies, governments and others seeking to manipulate the public will deliberately insert reverse speech into their messaging. Subliminal messaging is a blanket term that covers multiple media. Our subconscious is also able to pick up messages subliminally in other types of media as well. Words or pictures may be flashed onto a television screen or within a movie so quickly that our conscious mind isn’t aware that we have seen it, yet our subconscious mind has received the message. Images can be inserted into a photograph, artwork, magazine advertisement, or product packaging in such a manner that we are not consciously aware of it, at least not unless someone points it out to us. Yet, our subconscious mind receives the message. A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded within another medium, intended to pass below the normal limits of human perception, entering directly into the subconscious mind, thereby bypassing the logic center of the human brain.
Feature Article
Reverse Speech: Satan or a Manner of Speaking?

Backward masking or reverse speech was given national attention when
hidden messages were discovered in some of the Beatles'
songs. The "Paul is dead" messages led to a period in which teenagers were
as interested in playing rock albums backwards as forwards, and backward
messages were indeed found in the works of other rock musicians.
fundamentalists saw the hand of Satan
in it, and others speculated on the effects that these subliminal messages
might have on people's behavior. Charles
Manson was believed to have been driven to kill by backward messages
that he heard in the Beatles' "White Album," and Mark Chapman shot John
Lennon in 1980 after claiming to have heard voices in Lennon's "Double
Fantasy" album telling him to do so. The court system also got involved,
including a five-year legal process in which heavy metal music was put on
trial in Reno,
Nevada, after two young men attempted suicide after listening
repeatedly to a Judas
Priest album. Attorneys representing the parents of the boys claimed
that the album, "Stained Glass," was back-masked with
subliminally-implanted backward messages. Still others believe the whole
idea of backward messages to be a hoax, intended to sell records.
According to David John Oates, the author of a series of books on the
subject, reverse speech is sometimes intentional, but more often
unintentional. Nor does he blame Satan.
Backward messages that are not intentional can be heard on other albums.
These are messages that were not planned by the artist or any of the
recording studio personnel, yet appear randomly throughout many songs, in
intelligible, complete, and even grammatically correct sentences. The
lyrics and tune of the song are formed in such a manner as to give two
messages at the same time, one forward, the other backward.
For example, according to Oates, the John
Denver song, "It's About Time," contains the following backward
messages: I believe Jesus died for sinners. / He died for sin. / All the
more reason to thank you. / More and more I prefer you. He doesn't believe
that any of that was intended.
In fact, Oates writes that backward phrases appeared in every sound track
he examined over several years and, more often than not, they tended to
complement the forward message. The backward messages in Gospel music, or
by known Christians, often praised God
or explained some theological truth.
After finding backward messages in recorded music across the spectrum,
Oates then turned to speech, and found the same thing. In a recording of
live commentary of the President
Kennedy assassination, the forward message was: "Stand by please.
Parkland Hospital, there has been a shooting. Parkland Hospital has been
advised to stand by for a severe gunshot wound." In reverse, among some
garble, he could clearly hear the following message: "He's shot bad. Hold
it. Try and look up."
As with recorded music, Oates found that backward speech occurred in all
human speech, and that it often revealed the inner thoughts of the
speakers. The reverse message seemed more honest than the forward
communication. Interestingly, when video of the speakers was reversed, the
backward messages fit in with the body language, including the mouthing of
In highly charged emotional states, reverse speech occurred as often as
once every three seconds, and about once every ten seconds in casual
conversations, while it was found in prepared scripts as little as once
every two minutes. Similarly, the frequency and clarity of reverse
messages in recorded music was higher when the music was recorded live
than in studio recordings.
In his research, Oates found that reverse speech appeared in infants as
early as four months of age, long before forward speech began, leading him
to believe that babies learned to speak in reverse before they learned to
speak forward, which puts baby talk into a different light entirely. At
the later stages of infancy, Oates found that babies combined the two
modes of speech, forward and backward, into one.
Having ruled out previous explanations for backward messages, such as
coincidence, intention, and occult manipulation, because they weren't in
keeping with documented facts, Oates theorizes that, as the brain
constructs the sounds that form language, it constructs them in such a
manner that at least two verbal messages are communicated at the same
time: one forward, which is constructed and heard consciously, and another
in reverse, which is constructed and heard subconsciously. He also
believes that the two modes of speech complement one another, and together
communicate the total psyche of the communicator.
Recommended Resources
Promoting a book, by that name, by David John Oates, which offers an introduction to the theory, the different types of reversals, and discusses the ways in which the human brain interprets it. Other topics include reverse speech metaphors, specific areas of research into the theory, its forensic applications, and its use in business, politics, and psychotherapy. Examples from famous celebrities are offered, along with tips on finding reversals.
David John Oates discovered reverse speech in 1987, and went on to research and promote it through lectures, training workshops, shows, media appearances, books, and training materials. He also uses it in his private therapy practice, as a means of helping people break through their emotional challenges. His books and other products are highlighted, along with a photo gallery, radio shows, and a blog offering additional information and experiences.
The subliminal message and image software may allow a user to boost concentration and memory, enhance self esteem, improve parenting skills, develop business skills, master emotions, overcome shyness, amplify creativity, stop smoking, and lose weight. A free trial and a demo are available, along with a history and overview of subliminal messaging, university studies, and other information. Its guarantee and special offers are included.
The company offers more than two hundred subliminal messaging albums, in MP3 files and on CD, intended to help people cope with a variety of problems, including the promotion of positive thinking, developing an extrovert personality, achieving success, and to improve abilities, such as developing a photographic memory. Information on how subliminal messaging works is offered, including evidence, customer testimonials, and an online shopping area. Custom products may also be available.
Featuring the research and writings of David Oates, one of his books can be downloaded from the site for free, and his other books, DVDs, software, training courses and other products may be purchased. His training courses, personal development and business applications, examples, news and articles on the topic are presented, along with client testimonials, a blog, and contact data. Thousands of examples of reverse speech may be accessed through its database.
Discovered by David John Oates in 1983, reverse speech is recognized by some as another form of human communication. The online shopping site offers reverse speech professional audio analysis software, a reverse speech home hobbyist course on DVD, a live online professional training course, a series of books, and several other books on the topic, written by David John Oates, including personalized, autographed copies. Purchases may be made online, and its return policies are specified.
Available only in a Microsoft Windows version, the software includes the features found in any digital audio editing software, with the addition of several features created for use by reverse speech enthusiasts and practitioners, which can be used to record, analyze, and discover hidden messages found in reverse speech. An overview of the software and its features are set forth, along with its pricing and online purchase and downloading.
Bundled with a brainwave stimulator, the software displays text subliminal messages on a screen, used for the purpose of self help and self hypnosis. Other products include software allowing users to create their own subliminal images, an IQ trainer using back propagation and biological neural networks, and a personality test. Articles on the subject of subliminal messaging, and an online shopping area are included.
The site features a categorized collection of articles, books and book reviews, CD reviews, videos, audio, and other products on the topic of subliminal messages A free subliminal MP3 download and a free subliminal mini-course are available, along with discounts on several products. An overview of subliminal messages and examples of them in images, such as advertising, in video, in audio, and even in software programs are pointed out.
Subliminal self-help messages work as a form of hypnosis, sending suggestions to the subconscious mind in order to rewrite self beliefs, ways of thinking, or patterns of behavior, bypassing the logical consciousness, which avoids resistance. Subliminal messages targeting hundreds of purposes are available, including boosting self confidence, creating a positive attitude, weight loss, earning money, finding happiness, and attracting someone of the opposite sex. A shopping area is featured.
Subliminal Recording System X1
Optimized for Windows and for a Max running Bootcamp, the subliminal recording message audio recording system software is intended to make recording subliminal messages easy. Its features and requirements are posted, and it is available for download with a purchase. Payment options are posted, along with its support services and contacts. An affiliate program is also featured, and details of it are posted online.
Reverse speech is a hidden level of communication that is automatically generated and interpreted by the brain when we speak or hear others speaking. It can be audibly heard when human speech is recorded and played backwards. Created and maintained by Wayne Nicholson, who learned reverse speech through David John Oates in 1999, and has been formally trained in the science. The site offers information on the topic, gives several examples in celebrity speech, music, politics, and other venues.