The Occult refers to the knowledge of that which is hidden. In common usage, it refers to the knowledge of the paranormal, as opposed to knowledge of that which is measurable, generally referring to science.
By definition, occult means secret, hidden, or mysterious. For the occultist, it refers to the study of a deeper spiritual reality that extends beyond reason and the physical sciences, synonymous with esoteric. The occult also references a variety of magical organizations or orders.
At all times, throughout the world, there have been mysteries, as well as people are interested in these mysteries. In answering questions as to existence and meaning, some. have turned to science or religion, while others have turned to the occult.
There are no cultures or periods of history where folk magic has not existed. Throughout time, and throughout the world, people have healed, offered love potions, and protected people from witchcraft. In the West, folk magic is often based on Christianity, as when Bible verses are incorporated, but it is also rooted in other spiritual systems, such as voodoo in Vodoun, Latin American curanderos, the rune magic of the Norse folk religions, and so on.
To Christians today, the occult is often seen as a reference to the enemy, perhaps extending back to the Garden of Eden and the fact that it was the knowledge of that which God desired to remain hidden, the knowledge of good and evil, that resulted in the expulsion of mankind from the Garden and the fall of mankind. Occultism is the study of occult practices, which might include alchemy, astrology, divination, extrasensory perception, and spiritualism.
The rise of the Roman Catholic Church in the West drove the occult underground, as even healing spells and potions were suspected of coming from Satan. For a time, midwifery itself was forbidden, as many folk magicians were midwives.
Many teas and herbs that are now considered medicinal or at least harmless were once thought of as being part of the occult arts.
Occultism can be found in philosophies of Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Obeah, Theosophy, Eastern philosophies, Western esotericism, and Christian mysticism. While Christianity views the occult as an opposing belief system, some religions integrate the occult into their belief system. This is true of Wicca and other modern pagan religions.
A number of secret societies exist, or have existed, which are based largely on the occult. These include Ordo Templi Orientis, Ordo Aurum Solis, Builders of the Adytum, the Illuminati, Rosicrucians, the Knights Templar, and others.
For the purposes of categorization, some occult organizations, beliefs, and practices are categorized elsewhere within our paranormal or religion categories. For example, occult practices that are part of a recognized religion should be listed within the specific religion category, if one exists. The appropriate category for any web site is the one that is the most specific to the topic.
Feature Article
Ritual Murder at Santa Elena Ranch

In the spring of 1989, I was living in the small city of Los
Fresnos, north of Brownsville,
in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.
I was a paramedic instructor with Texas Southmost College, just finishing
up a class for the Brownsville Fire Department's EMS department, when a
former student, a reporter for the Brownsville Herald, asked if I wanted
to accompany him to a mass murder scene in Matamoros,
State Highway 2 runs west from Matamoros to Reynosa,
a route that I had traveled many times. Highway 2 is narrow, two-lane
highway and, once you leave Matamoros, the land is rural and agricultural.
Rancho Santa Elena, our destination, was about twenty miles from
Matamoros, along a dirt road north of the highway. Just short of one mile
in is the ranch itself, with some barns, other outbuildings, and
agricultural equipment. Further down the road, separated from the ranch by
a corn field, was a small shack, once used for storing hay or feed.
Hundreds of people were there, including reporters from as far away as Japan.
The stench of death was heavy in the air, but I couldn't see anything
because of all of the people who were crowded everywhere. Someone was
speaking through a loudspeaker but I couldn't understand any of it.
Apparently, my friend was able to get enough information and a few photos,
enough to run his story on the incident, and he was able to fill me in on
the drive back to Brownsville.
Fifteen or sixteen bodies were being dug up from shallow graves in a
corral just behind the shack. One of the killers, Sergio Martinez, was at
the scene at the time, being forced by the Mexican police to do the
digging. They were the victims of ritual occult murders, committed over a
long period of time. Some of the killers were American citizens, and one
of the victims was Mark Kilroy, a twenty-one year old college student from
Fe, Texas, whose disappearance had been a common theme in the press
at the time.
Led by Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo, a Cuban-American from Miami,
and Sara Aldrete Villarreal, a Brownsville resident, the group practiced a
religion that was a mixture of Voodoo,
Mayombe, Santismo, Satanism,
and the writings of Carlos
Castaneda, all supported by a massive drug smuggling operation.
Santeria, an offshoot of Voodoo, is common in the Rio Grande Valley of
Texas, and wherever there are heavy concentrations of Hispanics, although
the religion is generally interwoven with Catholicism,
with Santerian saints being represented by Catholic saints. Palo Mayombe
is sometimes described as the dark side of Santeria. Carlos Castanada came
to the United
States from Peru,
and became the author of a series of books on shamanism that were popular
in the 1960s and 1970s.
Adolfo Constanzo was raised in Santeria and, from an early age, he was
thought to have powers that were sought out by many, including the ability
to foretell
and affect the future, and to cleanse a client's soul of evil. His
clientele came to include government officials, police offers, drug
dealers, and people from all walks of life, especially after he moved to Mexico
City in 1983.
Sara Aldrete was a student, and part-time employee, in Texas Southmost
College's physical education program. A friend of mine, an instructor with
the TSC physical education department, knew her well, but only in the
setting of Texas Southmost College, describing Sara as being a little odd,
but was shocked to learn that she had been involved in mass murder. Some
of her fellow students recalled that she wore a necklace that appeared to
be made of bones, but they never considered that these bones were even
real, and certainly not that they were the vertebrae of murdered victims.
Among the other members of the cult were members of a large-scale drug
smuggling family, including Serafin Hernandez, Jr., who was also enrolled
in the law enforcement program at Texas Southmost College.
The crimes were discovered after David Serna Valdez, and three other
members of the group, ran through a narcotics interception roadblock near
Rancho Santa Elena, believing that, because of their magical powers, they
would be invisible to police. The authorities followed the silver
Chevrolet onto the property, where they found marijuana and a revolver in
the car.
After thirty-six hours of questioning by Mexican police, the four men
confessed, and led the police to the shack where the ritual killings took
place. They told how Constanzo had brought them together using Santeria
practices until about nine months before, when he began using the rituals
of Palo Mayombe, which called for human sacrifices. In return, members of
the cult hoped to receive strength, riches, and protection from the
There were other victims besides those unearthed at Rancho Santa Elena. An
uncertain number of victims are believed to have been murdered by the
group near Mexico City, where the cult's leader, and other members of the
group were later killed or captured, and a search of Aldrete's home
revealed an altar with bloody clothing belong to children, although no
bodies were discovered. It is believed that the group's victims numbered
around one hundred.
A few days after my first visit to the shack at Santa Elena Ranch, I
returned, this time with another friend of mine, who was then a dispatcher
for the South
Padre Island Police Department. We expected to be turned away but,
as we passed the ranch, we could see one Mexican police car in the
driveway, but there was no one at the shack or the area around it.
The collection of evidence in Mexico
differs from what we might expect in the United States. As we approached
the shack, we could see that the murder weapons, a machete and a very
large screwdriver, had been returned to the scene, and were lying on a
porch area just outside the shack. The ground outside the shack was
covered with used small caliber shell casings.
Just outside the doorway to the shack was a large caldron, known as a
nganga, which had several bloody mesquite sticks protruding from it, and
contained a bloody mess that, I later learned, include a goat's head,
turtle parts, portions of Mark Kilroy's brain, and dozens of gold-colored
beads. Alongside the nganga were some wooden bowls, one of which contained
what appeared to be several pennies, lying in blood. A metal drum was
filled with empty corn liquor bottles.
A large cross, constructed from what appeared to be the branches of a
tree, was leaning against one side of the building. The cross was not
there on my previous visit.
If anything, the stench was worse than it had been a few days earlier.
Inside, the floor of the shack was badly stained with blood. Placed along
the floor were partly-burned votive candles, and a few boxes of unused
black and white candles. Strewn along the floor were cigar butts, peppers,
corn liquor bottles, and broken glass.
On a back porch was an altar made of concrete construction bricks. The
altar, and the wood floor beneath it, were covered with blood.
Behind the shack was the corral. The graves had not been recovered, and
bone fragments were left lying about, along with a few Texas license
plates. We didn't stay long, in part because of the smell, but also
because we were afraid that the Mexican police would be along at any time.
Only a few days after my second visit to the shack, I read in the
newspaper that it had been burned. While not reported in the newspaper,
from local knowledge the murder weapons had been returned so that the area
could be cleansed by fire. The cross that we found leaning up against the
wall was a part of the cleansing ceremony, and
the fire completed it.
Recommended Resources
Composed in English and translated into Chinese, Dutch, Japanese and Spanish, this site reveals and discusses the origins of various occult practices such as channeling, palmistry, voodoo, crystal healing, out of body experiences, Wicca spells, Satan worship, Celestine prophecy, ouija boards, and tarot cards. For some topics, video is included. The Christian response to the occult is presented, along with Bible search and study tools.
Hosted by City University of New York (CUNY), the site presents information on occult studies organized for academics, practitioners, and general audiences. Material for general audiences, with little or no prior knowledge of the subjects, is marked with an EYE icon, while that designed for academics is labeled with a BOOK icon, and material for those who practice the occult arts can be found with a HAND icon. Included are occult literature, philosophy, sources, and people.
Based in Great Britain, the School offers courses by correspondence only, with no personal contacts or group meetings. An overview of the school and what it has to offers is provided, and students my apply for membership online, and its terms and privacy agreements are included. Testimonials from members are offered, and general information about occult knowledge, truth, and teachings is put forth, along with occult masters, suggested books, and other resources.
Utilizing a phpBB script, the online forum requires registration in order to participate in discussions. Topics include an introduction to the site and a guide to participating in discussions, as well as magic, mythologies, occult religious groups and faiths, media, and mediums, such as art, literature, poetry, chants, cants, crafts, and other skills. Games, television programs, movies, videos, and other digital expressions of the occult are included.
The creators of this site have assembled fragments of the Ancient Wisdom taught be occult teachers, philosophers and messengers of the past, presenting them in a modern way. The study of occult science is addressed, along with topics such as the science of symbolism, the esoteric meaning of Easter, esotericism in the Nativity, the hidden wisdom in the Bible, the magic of water and salt, and occult maxims. Books on the occult, philosophical, scientific and religious subjects are reviewed.
Occult Mysteries: The Path to the Light
Also known as the Center for Metaphysical Research, Study of Spiritual Sciences, Astral Entities and Energy Systems, the spiritual organization teaches palmistry, numerology, hypnotism, past life regressions, and research on life after death, dream symbolism, out of body experiences, as well as other spiritual solutions and protection against black magic, witchcraft, and dark energies. Testimonials are presented on the site.
Online since 2013, the site offers information about the occult sciences and the teachings of a Mystery School, not affiliated with any other school, occult order, group, or esoteric organization. Topics included the occult sciences, metaphysics, occult man, occult electricity, occult astronomy, occult evolution, occult history, the astral world, and the Mastery School, including a manifesto and application form, as well as policies and the terms and conditions for use of the site.
The site delves into a number of topics, including, but not limited to, alchemy, aliens, alternate universes, astral projection, Atlantis, clairvoyance, crop circles, crystals, crystal healing, the Cthulhu Mythos, demons, divination, esoteric studies, the I Ching, the Illuminati, Indigo children, the Kabbalah, meditation, metaphysics, mysticism, New Age religion, the occult and other paranormal topics. Electronic books and software are available for download, and a discussion forum is available.
Occultopedia, The Occult and Unexplained Online Encyclopedia
In this online encyclopedia of the occult, the authors seek not to promote or discredit beliefs or opinions about any of the topics included, but simply to inform as to the meaning of the words or terms, for the purpose of defining and providing an understanding of the subject matter. Content may be found alphabetically or by topic, and a feature is included to permit site visitors to submit additional terms. News items and a directory of occult retailers are included.