Ropens appear to be the variety of cryptid that is known to have been a real creature but believed to be extinct. Several species have been rediscovered long after they were thought to be extinct. However, pterosaurs are thought to have been extinct for about sixty million years or more.
The majority of the sightings have been from New Guinea but reports have come from the most remote corners of Africa, from Cuba, and the U.S. states of Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Late in 1999, William Gibbons, a cryptozoologist, reported the discovery of a new cryptid, called ropens, which was reported from parts of Melanesia. He based his report on information supplied by two missionaries in Papua New Guinea. The flying reptiles were said to frequent lakes and mountain caverns. In early 2001, Gibbons added that natives in the region recognized two different flying cryptids.
The first, which Gibbons identified as a true ropen, seems to be restricted to Rambutyo, a small island off the east coast of Papua New Guinea, and Umzoi, a larger island between Papua New Guinea and New Britain. The creature was described as reptilian, with a 3-4-foot wingspan, long jaws filled with teeth, and a slender tail tipped with a diamond-shaped flange. This description closely matches reconstructions of Rhamphorhynchus, a pterosaur presumed to have been extinct since the end of the Jurassic period. It is said to live in caves.
A larger species of ropen, called Duah by natives, has a 2o-foot wingspan and a bony crest on its head, a description that matches Pteranodon, a pterosaur of the Cretaceous period.
Although recent research suggests that pterosaurs may have had light feathers, most scientists believe that they developed the ability to fly along a different evolutionary path than birds. Scientists believe that pterosaurs did not fly easily and that they may have needed a cliff or a sloped runway in order to launch into a wind current, and contemporary reports are that the creatures they saw seemed to have a difficult time getting airborne.
David Whitcomb has been the most prolific author dedicated to writing about these cryptids, and he seems to have been the one who popularized the term "ropen" in reference to them. Whitcomb believes that there could be some small populations of pterosaurs that managed to survive the great dinosaur extinction, living today in well-hidden places. From his research, Whitcomb also believes that they have developed the ability to glow in the dark, a trait known as bioluminescence, basing this conclusion on eyewitness accounts.
Although the historic pterosaurs came in several configurations, those that are being reported have a hammer-shaped, crested head, flapping wings, and a long tail that ends in a heart-shaped pad, which is associated with the earliest pterosaurs, according to the archaeological record. However, some contemporary sightings are of a short tail or no tail.
The focus of this portion of our guide is on flying dinosaurs, generally believed to have been long extinct, by whatever names they might be known by. Online resources referencing these cryptids are appropriate topics for this category.
Recommended Resources
Encyclopedia of Creation Science: Ropen
Observations of the flying cryptic known as ropens are discussed in this creation science wiki, including recent sightings in Papua New Guinea, as well as in North America, with alternative explanations, among them being that the ropen is a living pterosaur. Australians, an American, and natives of New Guinea have described a pterosaur-like appearance, with a long tail and either featherless or without any obvious feathers. Sightings have been reported in North America, as well.
the Christian Bible and the Book of Mormon mention fiery flying serpents as real animals, ones that were a genuine danger to the Israeli people several centuries ago. Creatures fitting the description of these ancient flying creatures have been seen in modern times, and there are reports of deaths caused by them in Papua New Guinea and in British Columbia, Canada. Modern views of the cryptids are advanced here, along with artists' renditions, testimonials, and eyewitness reports.
If you see a flying creature, unlike any bird or bat, more like a pterosaur but alive, who do you report it to? American eyewitnesses have been called crazy for reporting what they have seen. Jonathan Whitcomb, the author of this site, has devoted several years interviewing eyewitnesses to living pterosaurs or Ropens, and to promoting the idea that these creatures are not extinct. His book, "Searching for Ropens and Finding God" is featured here, along with information about the cryptid.
Jonathan David Whitcomb’s book, initially published in 2010, offers evidence, largely eyewitness accounts, for the existence of pterosaurs (pterodactyls) in America today, including Cuba and in several of the forty-eight contiguous states of the United States of America. Sketches, diagrams, and a synopsis of the books are featured, as well as other names they have been known by: Indava, Wawanar, Seklo-bali, Kor, and Duwas. Links to other online resources are included.
Whitcomb is a Utah resident and investigator into the cryptozoological flying creature that Whitcomb theorizes are modern pterosaurs, but are also known as living pterodactyls, ropens, and by other names. Although he quotes several other sources as eyewitnesses to the cryptids, Whitcomb is the source of most of the documentation referring to them, as the author of four books on the subject. An introduction to the author and the cryptid are advanced here, including photos and other documentation.
Focusing on eyewitness reports from Jonathan Whitcomb and his 2004 expedition to Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea, a discussion of its implications on the theory of evolution is included, as well as theories and philosophies. Eyewitness accounts from one American, two Australians, and several natives of New Guinea are presented. Links to external sites with other accounts are also included. General information about the author is included.
Serving to promote a new cryptozoology book by Jonathan David Whitcomb entitles "Live Pterosaurs in America," the site discusses the premise of the book, based on eyewitness accounts of sightings of what may be living pterosaurs, or pterodactyls, on the North American continent, including several of the contiguous states of the United States. Discussion of the author's 2004 expedition to New Guinea, and possible relationships between the Dracula legend and pterosaurs, are included.
Calling for clear thinking on the subject of ropens, the website points out that many of the skeptics are using circular reasoning to dismiss reported sightings of living pterosaurs. Various theories are discussed, including the theory that sightings in New Guinea were actually of a large fruit bat known as the Flying Fox, but points out that these bats eat fruit, not fish, and they don't have long tails or glow brightly at night. A blog posts eyewitness reports and other information.
Promoting a non-fiction cryptozoology book by Jonathan David Whitcomb, the site begins with a discussion arguing for the validity of a photograph showing a group of Civil War era Union soldiers posing around what appears to be a newly killed pterosaur or similar creature. The first paragraph to the introduction of his book is given, along with other excerpts. The author includes information as to how the book supports Biblical accounts. The book is available for purchase online.
Beginning with a plea for objectivity, and for the reader to objectively consider the reasonings and reserve judgment until they have read the whole case, the content found here includes accounts of living bioluminescent pterosaurs, the credibility of eyewitnesses, and investigations into the reports of the ropens of the Pacific islands, with a discussion on whether they may be surviving specimens of the pterosaur. The influence of confirmation bias in pterosaur research is highlighted.
Featuring information about expeditions in North America, Australia, New Guinea, and even in North America, the site offers evidence of the existence of ropens, who some believe to be live pterosaurs or pterodactyls, thought to have been extinct for millenia. Photographs and links to related content are presented, and books written by Jonathan David Whitcomb, the primary writer on the topic, are included. Also featured are photos of tribal art from New Guinea depicting the cryptid.
The site documents the accounts of several native eyewitnesses of a giant ropen seen from Umboli Island, Papua New Guinea, as well as other accounts of people who have claimed to seen the cryptids on the island, including Duane Hodgkinson, who was stationed in the area in 1944. Sightings in Australia and North America are included. A discussion of the cryptic includes speculation that they may in actuality be living pterosaurs, otherwise thought to be long extinct.
Searching for Ropens and Finding God
First published as "Searching for Ropens," the book by Jonathan David Whitcomb has been expanded. Originally written in 2007 and 2008, the current edition was published in 2014. The non-fiction book deals with the subject of living pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea, said to reveal the truth about the controversy between Darwin’s theory of evolution and the Biblical scriptures. A table of contents, quotations, and media resources are presented, and the book may be purchased through the site.