Remote viewing is a mental skill that allows a viewer to describe a target that is inaccessible to normal senses due to distance, time or shielding.
Remote viewers are trained to view something using their minds, no matter the distance, obstacles, or time. A remote viewer can view things that cannot be physically seen from his location or time period. In other words, a remote viewer might be able to describe an event that occurred long ago, to describe an object that is sealed inside of a container, or to describe a location on the other side of the world, which he has never visited or seen in photos.
Usually, the person who is doing the remote viewing is given some information about the target.
Unlike other forms of clairvoyance, remote viewing was developed in a research setting, using geographic locations, hidden objects, archaeological sites, and space objects as a target, rather than playing cards or colors.
Remote viewing involves a variety of phenomena that utilizes the senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and even touch, as in a sensation of texture, as well as extrasensory perceptions that may involve clairvoyance, telepathy, or out-of-body experiences.
Remote viewers may verbalize what they are experiencing or perceiving, and they may also record what they are seeing in sketches.
As compared to other clairvoyant disciplines, remote viewing is more structured and remote viewing is a discipline that can be taught and learned, although some people may have a greater capacity for learning the skill than others.
Remote viewing is not used to give psychic readings or to tell fortunes, but as serious research, for those who believe in it, and in criminal investigations, government intelligence work, and commercial applications.
Historically, the popularity of remote viewing stems from a $20 million research project sponsored by the U.S. government for military applications. Officially, the project was terminated by the military in 1995, and transferred to the CIA, where some people insist that it has been continued secretly, although officially it was terminated later that year.
After some of the Stargate Project documents were declassified, several remote viewers, formerly employed by the US government, went into business for themselves, offering remote viewing services to businesses and others, as well as training new remote viewers, and appearing on various radio and television shows to answer questions about remote viewing.
Some of those previously employed by the government as remote viewers have insisted that the government has not actually suspended the program, but is continuing it under another name and agency.
The scientific community has since relegated remote viewing to the status of a pseudoscience, claiming that successful earlier results could not be duplicated using the scientific method.
Feature Article
Star Gate Project

Parapsychology is the study of paranormal and psychic phenomena, such as clairvoyance, precognition, remote viewing and telepathy. Over the years, these studies have intrigued many individuals, institutions and government organizations who have pursued research in the field.
Remote viewing is the ability of a remote viewer to view things such as an object inside an opaque box, or a location not visited by the viewer, that could not be experienced using normal sensory organs. The remote viewer describes the object or the location or even draws sketches to convey what he or she perceives sitting in a remote location.
The intelligence community of various countries, including Russia and the United States, displayed more than passing interest in using the concepts that are associated with remote viewing to intelligence gathering activities. In the 1960s, the United States intelligence agencies learned that the Russians were using remote viewing for intelligence gathering. The Russians had spent 60 million rubles on remote viewing in 1970, and were budgeted to spend 300 million rubles in 1975 because the Russians felt that they were making headway in the field of remote viewing.
The genesis of remote viewing as a discipline lies in programs launched by U.S. intelligence agencies in 1972. Beginning that year, these agencies conducted a series of experiments on the use of remote viewing for the purpose of gathering information from a distance. The main goals of the program were to:
* Study the use of remote viewing in other countries
* Conduct fundamental research in remote viewing
* Assess suitability of remote viewing as an intelligence gathering process
The program aimed to create a method of spying to gather intelligence and information without endangering its assets on the ground. Remote viewing could also supplement its existing information gathering equipment and methods, in a way that could not escape detection.
In the United States, intelligence gathering is in the hands of different agencies belonging to various arms of the federal government. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) provides military intelligence to all stakeholders in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) gathers, processes and analyzes national security information from all over the world. It uses human intelligence to perform its tasks. It provides intelligence to the President and Cabinet of the United States. The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) conducts operations in information, security and intelligence for U.S. Army commanders and national decision makers.
The DIA and INSCOM ran various programs involving remote viewing, starting from 1978, using the following code names:
In its testing and training, the DIA used the services of Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where Hal Puthoff and Russel Targ were laser physicists and experienced experimenters. They used experienced remote viewers, Pat Price and Ingo Swann, to gain detailed information about Soviet R&D facility at Semipalitinsk, and they also performed other successful experiments using remote viewing. SRI became the premier agency to undertake remote viewing activities of various intelligence agencies.
In 1977, INSCOM established a remote viewing project known as GONDOLA WISH, which had the aim of integrating the Soviet and Eastern psycho-energetics (remote viewing) intelligence collection threat into the all-source operations (OPSEC) support scenario. By 1978, the army concluded that the evidence presented warranted a more comprehensive program to explore intelligence collection applications of remote viewing. Thus, it abandoned the GONDOLA WISH program and ventured into a larger program called GRILL FLAME, with the the goal of using remote viewing as an intelligence collection method.
On September 4, 1979, the remove viewing efforts of INSCOM tasted success by locating a missing navy plane through remote viewing within fifteen miles of the crash site. Based on that success, GRILL FLAME was assigned further operational tasks. Around the same time, an independent investigative committee known as the Gale Committee reported its findings which wanted to:
* Continue remote viewing to assess its value for intelligence collection
* Pursue the remote viewing threat from foreign countries
* Establish a Department of Defense authority to fund and monitor the effort
As a result of the Gale Committee report, remote viewing secured a fillip by involving the CIA and NSA in the GRILL FLAME program, as well as other arms of the United States military.
Towards the end of 1982, the Budget Subcommittee of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence ended its funding to INSCOM on the charge of double budgeting. Because of this, the DIA took over the GRILL FLAME project. After a brief pause, INSCOM received funding from Security and Investigative Activities, prompting it to begin a new remote viewing program known as CENTER LANE. In the meanwhile, the DIA completed the GRILL FLAME program and, based on an independent evaluation, initiated fundamental research in remote viewing and remote action, continuing applied applications research into remote viewing under its leadership.
By 1985, the DIA had taken control of remote viewing activities when INSCOM came under its charge, and the CENTER LANE program came under the control of the DIA. In a later development, the DIA intended to use remote viewing to conduct actual intelligence collection programs rather than to simply continue fundamental research into the technology, a plan that met with the approval of the Senate Committee, which charged the DIA with the responsibility of handling more collection activities.
In its more focused operational role, the DIA began a new program known as SUN STREAK, which had the goal of undertaking operational intelligence applications using remote viewing. Soon, SUN STREAK had expanded its role, taking up seven tasks including the penetration of inaccessible targets and cuing of other intelligence collection systems.
A significant part of SUN STREAK's mission involved the training of professional intelligence assets in remote viewing. Training inputs included teaching of deep relaxation and focused attention techniques. Remote viewers followed a rigid structure that enabled them to establish better mental contact with the location.
The United States government, through its various arms, planned experiments in remote viewing to assist its intelligence gathering efforts. Its goal was to create a trainable, repeatable, operational and accurate method of psychic spying or information gathering. To this end, it committed resources and personnel, and carried on the experiment for twenty-three years under the STAR GATE code name.
During this period, the STAR GATE project undertook hundreds of experiments in intelligence collection projects through thousands of remote viewing episodes, with varying degrees of success.
However, in 1995, the government abruptly transferred the STAR GATE project from the DIA to the CIA with a caveat to review the program's effectiveness. The CIA appointed outspoken critics of extrasensory perception to the review panel, which recommended the closure of the project. Accepting the panel's recommendations, the government terminated the $20 million STAR GATE project, stating that it had not been found to be effective.
Perhaps coincidentally, this came about shortly after the project had found its way into the media.
Recommended Resources
Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing
Gerald O’Donnell was approached in the 1980s by a Western European intelligence agency, after which he joined an ongoing program of mental remote viewing of targeted locations, used to counter the activities of well-funded Soviet KGB and military intelligence units. He currently teaches remote viewing, offering a variety of products, samples, recent interviews, and testimonials. Teachings and message obtained from remote viewing sessions are included.
CRV training is designed to offer access to the subconscious mind, as well as communication with the subconscious mind. An introduction and summary of the qualifications of Leonard (Lyn) Buchanan, the executive director of PSI, is presented, along with a definition of the specific type of remote viewing training offered, which includes basic, intermediate, advanced, and post-graduate training. Books are recommended and student resources include terminology, analogies, and a target of the week.
Conducting research into the practice of remote viewing since 1995, the site offers a profile of remote viewing, and has published several books, some of which are available free, while others may be purchased from the site. Several documentaries are also available, as video-on-demand or by DVD, some for free while others are fee-based. Topics include the remote viewing of Atlantis, a base on Mars, and Adolph Hitler, as well as instructional and informational resources.
Final Countdown with Major Ed Dames, The
Major Ed Dames is a retired military intelligence officer and an original member of of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing program, then known as the Defense Intelligence Agency's psychic intelligence collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency. This site offers his videos and training courses, each of which is described here through textual and video promotional material and is available for purchase online.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Ingo Swann worked for the U.S. government, defining a technique known as remote viewing. Since then, he has authored more than a dozen books, and is an artist working in oil paintings. His work as an artist, author, and researcher is highlighted on the site, which includes information on his experience and research into astrology, remote viewing, and what he describes as the superpowers of the human bio-mind, as well as what he defines as the Prophecy Project.
Intentional Press: Remote Viewing
Written by retired Army Major Paul H. Smith phD, a seven-year veteran of the US government's Star Gate psychic espionage program, and published by International Press, the book offers an introduction to the practice of remote viewing, offering a step-by-step guide through the process of becoming a remote viewer. An author bio, table of contents for the book, excerpts, and a synopsis are published, and a private area of the site offers additional resources to those who have purchased the book.
International Remote Viewing Association
Organized in 1999 at Alamogordo, New Mexico, in conjunction with the first professional conference on remote viewing, the IRVA is a non-profit, independent organization of scientists, remote viewing professionals, students and other interested persons. An overview of the organization and the technique of remote viewing is presented, with information about its research projects, a library of articles, books, video, and other publications, as well as membership levels, fees and benefits.
During the CIA and U.S. Army research program into remote viewing, remote viewers who were tasked with foreseeing the outcome of war-related events often picked up on a future occurrence that would mark a dramatic shift in global life, often believed to be a nuclear war, but which turned out to be a series of solar flares. The Killshot DVD is available from the site for free, and other products are presented for sale. Reviews and ratings are also featured, and a contact form is included.
Offered by Major Edward Dames, an original member of the United States Army prototype remote viewing program, serving as both training and operations officer for the U.S. government’s secret psychic espionage unit, Learn Remote Viewing is a training program that he has created and is offering on DVD, along with other RV products, which may be purchased from the site. Testimonials are displayed, and various student resources can be downloaded from the site.
Lyn Buchanan: Remote Viewing Training
Presented by a remote viewer and trainer in the U.S. military's remote viewing unit for about eight and a half years. He offers associative remote viewing and basic level controlled remote viewing courses, intended to train students in the methods used by the U.S. military for intelligence gathering purposes, now brought into the civilian arena, and used for the benefit of individuals and businesses. Students may enroll online for these courses, some of which include online face-to-face time.
In operation since 1989, PSI Tech claims to be the founders of the private remote viewing industry, serving as an international consulting group specializing in intelligence collection for individuals as well as corporate and government clients. Its site offers information on the technology of remote viewing, how remote viewing works, and an overview of its training and other services, including promotional and informational videos. Information for prospective clients is included.
Maintained by Das Smith, a remote viewer based in the United Kingdom. His site is a collection of remote viewing news, papers, articles, books, videos, information, and examples. An overview of RV is presented, beginning with its use as an intelligence gathering tool for the United States military and intelligence services to its practice in private fields today. An introduction to the author and his book and videos are featured, with links to where they can be purchased online.
Greg Kolodziejzyk, a remote viewer, offers several samples of remote viewing sessions to explain the technique in a simple, straightforward manner, published research papers that are available in PDF format, videos on the subject, and podcasts and transcripts of interviews that Mr. Kolodziejzyk has granted. Several examples of actual remote viewing test are given, where the author shows the actual photo next to the hand-drawn photo that he came up with through remote viewing.
Remote Viewing Instructional Services
RVIS promotes and commercializes remote viewing, an ESP-based skill developed for the US military. Founded by Paul H. Smith, an experienced remote viewer, the company is focused on training people to become remote viewers, offering outreach lectures and presentations to the public, and a for-profit commercial remote viewing service. His books, DVDs, workshops, and other products are featured and may be purchased online. Also included is a blog and news on various remote viewing events.
A description, history and an overview of the technology behind remote viewing is offered, along with a catalog of its RV products, which include courses, informational texts, DVDs and books on learning remote viewing and technical dowsing, on using remote viewing for sports betting and the lottery, in financial markets, and finding treasure. Also available are customer support information, discount offers, and a newsletter offering information and promotional offers.
Remote Viewing Target Practice
The International School of Clairvoyance (ISC) specializes in intuitive and psychic development, training for empaths, psychic and clairvoyant training, mediumship training, remote viewing, and energy healing training. On this site, the ISC features targets that can be used for remote viewing training and practice, including gestalts, pictogram, event, animal, license plate, location, real object, real people, NY Times, and number targets, including several of each type of target.
Morgan A. Farrell, who began studying Controlled Remote Viewing in 2011, and, the following year, began formal training in the Learn Remote Viewing method and was vetted, assessed, and trained by Major Ed Dames. He has since studied other disciplines, including Associative Remote Viewing, Extended Remote Viewing, and Technical Dowsing. He now offers live training events, with a certificate of achievement available upon completion of the course. Demos of some of the course videos may be viewed.
Based in Australia, the Remove Viewing Unit was founded by Rick and Sandra Hilleard in 2008, and offers a four-day training course in the skill of remote viewing, in which students will be taught Coordinate Remove Viewing from stage I up to stage VI, including participation in classroom experiments. Its modules are set forth, along with an overview of what will be necessary after completing the course in order to enhance skill levels. The qualifications of the instructors are outlined.
The official online discussion forum for Major Ed Dames allows remote viewers, clients of Major Dames, and other interested people to discuss various subjects related to remote viewing. Anyone can read the topic areas and posts, but only registered members can participate in forum discussions. Major topics include forum updates and news, general remote viewing discussions, Learn Remote Viewing DVD course support, support for application workshops, and RV projects and feedback.
Skeptic’s Dictionary: Remote Viewing
As might be expected, the Skeptic's Dictionary takes a critical look at the science and practice of remote viewing, including its close relationship to clairvoyance, which is dismissed as an alleged psychic ability. The various psychic abilities that may be used by the remote viewer are acknowledged, and the article discusses the lack of a valid scientific method behind tests that have been conducted on remote viewing, as well as its development within the US military and intelligence agencies.