Topics related to agnosticism, antitheism, apatheism, atheism, ignosticism, irreligion, nontheism, or post-theism are appropriate for this portion of our guide.
Of these, it seems that agnosticism and atheism are the positions most familiar to the general public. However, it's probably fair to say that most antitheists consider themselves atheists and can be both.
While these terms are not synonymous, personal viewpoints may fall within two or more of these.
Examining these terms alphabetically rather than by similarity, agnosticism refers to the perspective that the existence of a deity is unknown or unknowable, and may incorporate the view that the human mind is incapable of providing rational grounds to justify either the belief or disbelief in a deity.
Agnosticism can be stated in various ways. A broader definition would label agnostic those who neither believe nor reject the possibility of the existence of a deity. By this definition, individuals who haven't decided might be considered agnostic, and this is a common definition of the word.
Sometimes hyphenated as anti-theism, antitheism is a reference to the philosophical position that theism should be opposed as dangerous, destructive, or encouraging of harmful behavior. Commonly, it refers to the direct opposition to the belief in any deity.
Individuals who hold to an agnostic or atheist worldview do not necessarily hate the idea of belief in a god or of religion in general. Nevertheless, atheism and antitheism so often occur together in the same person that it's easy to consider that they are the same thing. Atheism is simply the absence of a belief in gods, while antitheism directly opposes theism. Many atheists are also antitheists, but all and not always. In Christian circles, antitheism is often called evangelical atheism.
Individuals who are indifferent to the existence of alleged deities are atheists because they don't believe in the existence of any gods. If they don't believe in god but are angered over the fact that others do, they might also be termed antitheists.
The attitude of apathy toward the existence or non-existence of deities is more of an attitude than a belief system. A recently coined word for this position is apatheism. An apatheist is an individual who isn't interested in either accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist. Rather than dismissing the existence of a god, the apatheist considers it irrelevant in every way that matters.
Atheism is an absence of belief in the existence of a deity or deities and a rejection of the belief that deities exist. In its narrowest sense, atheism is the position that there are no deities. It contrasts theism, the belief that at least one deity exists.
Definitions of atheism vary in the degree of consideration an individual must put to the idea of deities to be considered an atheist. When defined as the absence of belief that any deities exist, this would include newborns and other people who have never been exposed to theistic ideas. This broader definition of atheism is called implicit atheism, the absence of theistic beliefs without consciously rejecting them. Those who grow up in a religious household or have otherwise examined but dismissed the concept of a deity or deities could be called explicit atheists.
Also known as igtheism, ignosticism refers to the idea that the question of the existence of God is meaningless because the word "god" has no coherent or unambiguous definition. Ignosticism is similar to agnosticism and atheism and would probably be used only in philosophical discussions.
Irreligion is the neglect or active rejection of religion. However, it may also refer to a simple absence of religion. In a broad sense, irreligion would encompass such philosophies as agnosticism, atheism, antitheism, and secular humanism. Still, social scientists define irreligion as a purely naturalist worldview that excludes a belief in anything supernatural.
Sometimes hyphenated as non-theism, nontheism refers to a range of both religious and non-religious attitudes characterized by the absence of espoused belief in the existence of a deity or deities. Commonly defined as apathy or silence towards the subject of gods, it differs from atheism in that the latter is an active disbelief in gods. It has been used as an umbrella term for summarizing positions such as agnosticism, ignosticism, and apatheism.
A variant of nontheism, post-theism is the belief that the belief in a deity or deities belongs to a previous stage of human development. The term may be applied to the beliefs of those involved in liberal Christianity. Friedrich Nietzsche's pronouncement that "God is dead" would be a post-theistic position. Post-theists hold that while there was once a need for religious beliefs, humanity has since progressed beyond the point where such beliefs are helpful or reasonable.
Recommended Resources
American Atheists is an organization and magazine that works to advance the civil liberties of atheists in the United States and to lobby for absolute separation of church and state. Atheism is discussed, as well as the organization's concerns relating to religion, politics, the military, youth, and the family, particularly religion's influence in politics and government. A history of the organization, its issues, activism, projects, and legal successes are included.
The AHA is a US-based organization that advances secular humanism, defends the rights of secular and religious minorities, lobbies Congress on church-state separation issues, and maintains a network of more than two hundred and fifty local affiliates and chapters. The AHA publishes "The Humanist," "Free Mind," and "Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism." Its website defines humanism, lists famous humanists throughout history, and discusses key issues and projects. Schedules are announced.
Offered as a response to religious apologists and missionaries, the site is available in English, German and French, and includes arguments against Islam, Christianity and Agnosticism, with criticism of religious texts, testimonies of bad experiences with Christianity or Islam, examples of what the authors claim to be lies or contradictions, either in sacred texts or in the lives of prominent people with Islam or Christianity. Articles against agnosticism are also presented.
Atheist Alliance International
The AAI is an umbrella organization comprised of individuals and groups in the United States and other countries who share an interest in promoting the atheist worldview, which works to develop educational and advocacy programs for the atheist community, such as the Atheist Support Network. Available resources include books, films, news feeds, podcasts, radio and television, scheduled conferences, social media, and a directory of external sites. An informational blog is included.
Online since 1998, the site was initially built around its Yahoo Groups message board, but membership is now required to view the discussion board. Site topics include a definition and discussion of atheism and associated philosophies, the paths to atheism, and atheist activism, as well as statistical data. Quotes and writings on the topic are included, with a guide to music, movies, television, radio, books, and other media relating to the topic or topics.
Powered by a MyBB script, the forum allows for interactive discussion on matters related to atheism. Registration is free but required to participate in discussions. Contributions are encouraged. Topics include atheism in general, news or activism related to atheism, religions, philosophy, the sciences, mathematics, technology, and computing. The rules for participation are published, and there is a section for introductions and personal matters.
A non-profit organization incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, the organization is dedicated to unifying the demands of atheists in a variety of areas of expression. The site features several articles in support of atheism, and in opposition to religion, as well as online discussion forums, blogs, opinion columns, photographs, podcasts, and other resources, including an online store. An appeal for contributions is made, and volunteer opportunities are posted.
Using a Wiki platform, the site offers a comprehensive examination of atheism from a conservative Christian perspective. Atheism and the atheistic worldview are defined and described, including the various types and degrees of atheism, biblical statements regarding atheism, and criticism. Other topics include atheist factions and infighting among atheist groups, the retention rate of atheism among individuals, and the relationship of atheism to communism, and Darwinism to war, and other issues.
Arguing that the words "atheism" and "atheist" are often misunderstood or confused with "anti-theism," the purpose of the site is to offer literal definitions that can serve to add clarity to discussions. The definitions of the terms, linguistic structure, etymological support, burden of proof, and further clarification are added, and references are provided. Links to national groups focused on atheism are included. Other questions are answered, and its resources page links to third-party sites.
Freedom From Religion Foundation
The FFRF is an American non-profit organization based in Madison, Wisconsin, but with members in all fifty U.S. states, which advocates for non-theists, promotes the separation of church and state, and offers educational programs and material on matters of atheism, agnosticism, and non-theism. Its publications are introduced and made available, and its legal work and other projects are discussed, including outreach programs and events. Memberships and an online shopping area are included.
The Freethinker was a British secular humanist magazine published from 1881 to 2014, after which it has been published online only. The online magazine takes a positive atheist and anti-religious stance, as it has from the beginning, when it defined itself as "an unapologetically anti-Christian organ." The electronic magazine features movie and book reviews, opinion, and testimonials from people who have become atheist. An archive of past topics is included.
Founded in 1995, the Secular Web offers essays, reviews, and critiques on a variety of topics relating to atheism, antithesis, and agnosticism, many written by prominent monotheistic historians, philosophers, scientists, and others. A brief history and profile of the site is offered, including its mission and intent. A bookstore reviews and offers for sale a variety of books on the subject, and a library of news and articles are available, some on-site, some off-site.