Newspapers, radio stations, television stations, and alternative media are appropriate for this category if they serve the entire state of Wisconsin, or a large part of it.
Recommended Resources
Covers news and current affairs in and around northeastern Wisconsin, including Green Bay. Includes the fundamentals of a newspaper with a multimedia section and other online exclusives.
Licensed to the University of Wisconsin, WPR is a non-profit organization whose purpose is educational. Its programming may be listened to online through live streams or downloaded. Audio archives are also available.
WPT is a non-profit, advertising-free, membership-supported television station offering programs specific to the state of Wisconsin as well as national programming, sports and other topics of interest. Includes a program schedule and membership details.
Published bi-monthly and sold in bookstores, grocery stores, and drugstores throughout the state, sections of this magazine is available here, along with subscription and advertising information, special events, and contests. The publication includes articles on nature, history, travel, culture, and people in Wisconsin.