Hotels, motels, inns, bed and breakfasts, and other guest facilities with multiple locations within the state of Vermont are listed in this category, as are guides or directories to guest lodging in the state.
Recommended Resources
Bed & Breakfast Inns Online: Vermont Bed and Breakfast Inns
This directory of bed and breakfasts and country inns permits browsing by city or region, and results can be sorted by accommodations, seasonal specials, activities, and other amenities. Some facilities include an availability search and a link to the facility's web site.
Green Hotels in the Green Mountain State
Features a guide to Vermont hotels that meet a set of environmental standards. This voluntary program, part of the Vermont Business Environmental Partnership, is designed to promote lodgers who demonstrate that they can achieve the set criteria. Includes instructions and resources for becoming a green hotel.
Heart of Vermont Lodging Association
Represents a voluntary coalition of inns, clustered within the northeastern part of Vermont. Its site offers profiles of each, accessible through an interactive map, or listed by town, and allows prospective guests to view the accommodations and amenities of each, and make reservations online.