An emphasis on faith, religion, and places of worship in Rowlett, Texas is featured in this category.
Recommended Resources
Christian Churches in Rowlett, Texas
Features a directory of Christian churches within the City of Rowlett, Texas, categorized by denomination, and including the church's location and contact information, with a printable map, service schedule, statement of beliefs, congregation size and other details available for some.
The Crossroads Church is located on Chiesa Road in Rowlett, Texas. Sermon series schedules are presented, and the latest sermon is available on video, along with a worship schedule, church calendar, and contact information.
First Christian Church - Rowlett
FCC-Rowlett is a non-denominational church located at the corner of Miller and Chiesa in Rowlett, Texas. A church calendar, schedule of contemporary and traditional worship services, Sunday School, and other programs are provided, including an overview of the church's adult, youth, and children's ministries.
First United Methodist Church of Rowlett
Located on Main Street, east of Rowlett Road and west of Kirby, the FUMC of Rowlett, Texas offers a variety of services, fellowships, educational and outreach programs, which are discussed here, along with information for those who are new to the church, service times, and a directory of leadership and staff.
The service times and a schedule of programs, events, and ministries of this Christian church in Rowlett, Texas are given, with a discussion of its beliefs, missions, and programs. Audio sermons are available in MP3 format.
Directions, a calendar of programs and events, mass times, reconciliation times, and a staff directory are available for this Roman Catholic parish in Rowlett, Texas, including a description of its ministries for youth, children and adults.