This category lists a variety of sites specific to people and organizations in Huntsville, Texas. Appropriate topics may include local clubs and lodges, scout organizations, politics, significant people, history and issues relating to the city.
Recommended Resources
Explorer Post 99 Huntsville, Texas
Affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, Post 99 is a general interest post in the George Strake district of the Sam Houston Area Council in East Texas. A calendar of events and roster are presented, along with Post 99 news, stories, and backpacking tips.
Forrest Masonic Lodge No. 19, A.F. & A.M.
The Huntsville, Texas chapter of the Accepted Free and Accepted Masons was chartered by the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas in 1844. Its location, meeting dates and times, lodge officers, and other information is presented. Photographs of lodge activities and award ceremonies are also available.
A Texas chapter of the National Audubon Society, concerned with conserving and restoring natural ecosystems, its officers, programs, and meeting schedule is presented, with news and upcoming events.
Piney Woods Gem & Mineral Society
PWGMS is a not-for-profit educational organization, and a member of the South Central Federation of Mineralogical Societies and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies, open to those who are interested in the earth sciences, rocks, minerals, fossils, artifacts and the lapidary arts. Meeting locations, dates and agendas are posted.
The Huntsville Rotary is an organization of business, professional and community leaders whose mission is to contribute to bettering the community and world through active service projects, many of which are outlined here. Officers and directors of the club are listed, including past presidents, and membership information is provided. A meeting schedule and calendar of events is also available.