Examples of topics that may be placed in this category are churches and other places of worship in Yankton, South Dakota. Other topics related to faith and religion in the city are also appropriate.
Recommended Resources
CBC is affiliated with the Converge Worldwide Baptist General Conference and the Converge Heartland Baptist District. Its location in Yankton, South Dakota is provided, along with a worship schedule and calendar of ministries for children, youth and adults.
The Yankton, South Dakota FUMC's contemporary and traditional service schedules are posted, along with its Sunday School programs and fellowship times. Organizations associated with the congregation are featured, and a staff directory is provided.
Associated with the Reformed Church in America, the Yankton, South Dakota congregation meets at its facilities on Burleigh Street. Its history is related, along with a statement of beliefs, contact information, and a calendar of worship services, programs and events.
St. John's is a Stephen Ministry congregation in Yankton, South Dakota. Its shared beliefs are discussed, along with an overview of its ministries and outreach activities, devotions, and schedules. Photographs, bulletins and newsletters are also available.
TLC is a fellowship of Lutheran Christians meeting at their facilities in Yankton, South Dakota. Its ministries and missions are highlighted, and a schedule of worship services, fellowship programs, and outreach activities are provided, along with membership instructions, a youth education form, weekly lessons, and other resources.