Public, private and religious schools, colleges, vocational training programs, homeschooling, and daycare facilities in Muskogee, Oklahoma are the focus of sites listed in this category.
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Founded as Indian University in 1880, Bacone College is a private, four-year, liberal arts college, located in Muskogee, Oklahoma, and affiliated with the American Baptist Church. Its admissions policies, academic and athletic programs are discussed, along with schedules and contacts.
CSOM is a four-year Bible college operated through Church 4:18 in Muskogee, Oklahoma, offering traditional classes as well as online courses. Students taking online courses may access them through the site, which also includes a course list, online registration, tuitition, and contacts.
Operating educational programs for lower and upper elementary, middle and high school, the public school district's campuses and curriculum are highlighted, and a district calendar, staff directory and online gradebook are featured.
Indian Capital Technology Center
Established to serve secondary students, post-secondary students, adults in upgrading skills, on-the-job trainees, and business and industry, ICTC is a technical school that prepares youth and adults for careers. Its course offerings and student services are featured.
The official site of Muskogee's public school district presents an overview of the district's programs as well as its school board. Also includes a school directory, a district calendar, a news page and web links.
Located in Muskogee, the school's purpose is to meet the educational needs of blind and visually impaired students throughout the state. A campus map and information about the school's admission policies, programs, and related services are presented. A student handbook is included.
The educational objectives of the school in Muskogee, Oklahoma are to train students of cosmetology and manicuring. Its cosmetology course, manicurist course, and instructor courses are highlighted, with staff contacts and a school schedule.