Initially known as Warwick, the village of Clinton, Ohio is in Summit County. Its first settlers were farmers, attracted to its rich soil and the water supply provided by the Tuscarawas River and Chippewa Creek. The village was laid out in 1816, growing slowly until 1827, when the Ohio and Erie Canal construction began, resulting in rapid population growth for a time. The railroad, which came through in the 1880s, put the canal out of business, and all of the canal locks were removed by 1913.
Recommended Resources
Associated with the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 127 meets at Valley Community Church in Clinton, Ohio. A meeting schedule and calendar of events are published, along with photographs, downloadable documents, and committee notes.
Clinton Aluminum & Stainless Steel
Clinton Aluminum offers a full range of aluminum and stainless steel products. Its location in Clinton, Ohio, as well as its products, product sizes, data sheets, and capabilities are outlined, and contact information is provided.
The non-profit organization is dedicated to the education, preservation and promotion of the history and culture of the greater Clinton, Ohio region, and the part that it played along the Ohio & Erie Canal Corridor. Historical information is presented, along with a schedule of events, tours, and educational outreach programs.
Home of the Ohio Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, the park is situated on Cleveland-Massillon Road in Clinton, Ohio. Directions from several nearby cities are given, supplemented with a map. A schedule of events is posted, and an online shopping area is included.
The official web site of the village government offers the hours and schedules of the municipal government, village council, and special events. Other resources include a profile of the village fire department, storm water programs, and municipal services.