Located in northern Ohio, Bucyrus is the seat of Crawford County. The city is served by two major rail lines, and five state highways and a U.S. highway pass through and around the Bucyrus. The community was named by its principle founder, Colonel James Kilbourne, who was a minister, surveyor, and road builder.
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Bucyrus Area Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber is a membership organization comprised of businesses and professional people in the larger Bucyrus, Ohio region. An overview of the organization, its member policies and benefits, a member directory, and a calendar of events a posted.
The daily newspaper is published in Bucyrus, Ohio, offering local and statewide news, sports and other features. Its web edition gives access to news headlines and selected content, with additional features available to subscribers and registered users.
The city’s official web site offers a profile and contacts for the mayor’s office, city council, law director, and auditor. Other resources include news and announcements from the city’s administrative offices, departments, and facilities.
The county government’s official web site features information and contacts for the county courthouse, health department, prosecuting attorney and sheriff’s department, board of elections, and soil and water district, treasurer, auditor, and clerk of courts.
Maintained by the Bucyrus Tourism & Visitors Bureau, patron and supporting business members of the organization are identified, along with a history of the community and a guide to area events, dining and lodging facilities, and the hours of operation for the BTVB offices.