Churches and other places of worship in Alamogordo, New Mexico are the focus of topics represented in this category.
Recommended Resources
Alamogordo First Baptist Church
Directions and a map showing the location of the Alamogordo, New Mexico church are posted, with a Sunday and weekday service and program schedule, church calendar, and photographs.
The beliefs and practices of the Alamogordo, New Mexico congregation are outlined, and a staff listing, calendar of events, directions, and a schedule of services are published to the site.
Affiliated with the Southern Baptist Association and the Mountain Valley Baptist Association, the congregation meets at its facilities on Indian Wells Road in Alamogordo, New Mexico. A calendar of upcoming events, service schedule, and prayer requests are posted to the site.
Situated on seventeen acres north of the hospital in Alamogordo, New Mexico, the congregation’s service schedules, church calendar, and an overview of its programs and ministries are put forward.
Directions to the church in Alamogordo, New Mexico are put forward, with an overview of its ministries and programs, a schedule of upcoming events, leadership contacts, and other resources.
The Roman Catholic Church is located on Delaware Street in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Its Spanish and English Mass schedule, calendar of events, and a church bulletin are published, with photographs and contact data.