The unincorporated town of Searchlight, in Clark County, Nevada, is the hometown of Nevada Senator Harry Reid, as well as William Harrell Nellis, a fighter pilot who flew seventy combat missions in World War II, and the man for whom Nellis Air Force Base is named. Tradition has it that Searchlight received its name when George Frederick Colton found gold there in 1897, after having stated that it would take a searchlight to find gold ore there. The town’s population declined after 1917, when its gold mines were depleted, dropping even further when US Highway 91 bypassed the town in 1927. Its last gold mine was closed in 1953. Searchlight is east of Nipton.
Recommended Resources
AirNav offers an overview of the ownership, managements, and operations of the airport in Searchlight, Nevada. Airport communications and services, runway data, and instrument procedures are included, with an aerial photo and sectional chart.
The off-road motorcycle race is held in Searchlight, Nevada. Event schedules, a promotional flier, final results, rules, and online registration are presented.
Established for the purpose of reporting the history of the town of Searchlight, Nevada. A brief history of the town and some of the notable people who have live there are featured, with photographs, membership information, and hours.
The unofficial community site spotlights the town of Searchlight, Nevada, including its history, the impact of mining on the town, demographics, and local places of interest, businesses, and services.
Offering overnight parking and free coffee and showers for truck drivers, the Searchlight, Nevada casino is open twenty-four hours. Its location, directions, and contacts are posted to the site.
The gold mine and the town of Searchlight were founded by George F. Colton in 1897, and ownership of the mine remains in the Colton family. Offered for sale, the 216 mining acreage, a patented mining claim, includes 92 acres on US Highway 95 in Searchlight, and it connected to public utilities. The mine’s production history and reports are put forward, along with a map of the property, photographs, and video.