The unincorporated community of Rachel is situated in a remote location in Lincoln County, Nevada, where the closest sign of civilization is Nellis Air Force Range and Area 51, known for UFO intrigue. A series of unpaved roads lead from Highway 375, near Rachel, to the boundaries of Area 51. Founded in 1973, the town was known as Tempiute Village and Sand Springs before being renamed Rachel in 1977, for Rachel Jones, the first baby born in the community. Unfortunately, Rachel Jones died in 1980. The town’s population was initially fueled by a local tungsten mine owned by Union Carbide, and it has been declining since the closure of the mine in 1988. The town has been the site of several television shows and movies, having a UFO theme, including Independence Day, some scenes of which were filmed in Rachel.
Recommended Resources
The Area 51 UFO-themed tour begins at the Little A’Le’Inn in Rachel, Nevada, and includes the UFO sightings area, the infamous black mailbox, and the Extraterrestrial Highway. Schedules and contacts are featured.
Situated in the desert near Rachel, in southeastern Nevada, the site features the park, as well as places of interest in the town of Rachel. Several photographs are included.
Originally named the Rachel Bar & Grill, the establishment was renamed in 1990 to take advantage of the town’s proximity to Area 51. Hosting UFO themed events and offering UFO souvenirs and memorabilia, the inn’s hours of operation and directions are published to the site, and a schedule of upcoming events is featured.
The congregation began in a donated mobile home in 1980, and currently meets in its own permanent building not far from the Senior Center Building in Rachel, Nevada. Affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the church’s history, schedules, calendar of events, and photographs are included.
Chartered in Winnemucca in 2000, the town of Rachel was chosen as the base for the service organization, as its members came from various areas in Nevada and California. Meeting schedules, a newsletter, a calendar of events, club projects, and photographs are displayed.
General information and a history of the town of Rachel are presented, including photographs, maps, and a guide to local camping sites, businesses, events, and nearby places.