The unincorporated town of Owyhee, Nevada is situated along the banks of the Owyhee River, and is the primary town of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation, in Elko County. The town is located on Nevada’s border with Idaho. Established by President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1877, the Reservation was expanded by President Grover Cleveland in 1910. Owyhee is northwest of Mountain City.
Recommended Resources
The AirNav site offers information about airport ownership and operations, communications, services, runway data, and operational statistics, as well as a sectional chart and aerial photograph.
The elementary, junior high, and high school programs are held in the same campuse in Owyhee, Nevada. A daily bulletin, bell schedule, breakfast and lunch menu are presented, with parent and teacher information, handbooks, and access to various forms and documents.
Owyhee Community Health Facility
Maintained by the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation, OCHF provides health care to the tribes on the Duck Valley Reservation, as well as to other American Indians and Alaska Natives enrolled or a descendant of a federally recognized tribe. Its location, services, hours, and contacts are posted.
Shoshone Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation
The tribal boundaries extend across the borders of Nevada and Idaho, including Owyhee, Nevada and Owyhee County, Idaho. The tribe’s history, organizational structure, government and administration, enrollment, and contact data are featured.