Humboldt River Ranch is a ranch community in Pershing County, on the east side of I-80, in northern Nevada, about twenty-five miles east of Lovelock and fifty miles southwest of Winnemucca. Although unincorporated, much of the property is managed by the Humboldt River Ranch Association, which maintains common areas and facilitates the sale and leasing of homes and homesites within its private ranch subdivision.
Recommended Resources
Humboldt River Ranch Association
The HRRA represents the owners of a private ranch community east of Lovelock, Nevada. Announcements and classified advertisements are posted to the site, along with various forms, homes for sale or lease, homesites for sale, and a map of the area. A private area for residents is available.
Humboldt River Ranch Electrical Utility
Operated by Pershing County, the utility bills twice a year in payment on bonds sold to pay for the acquisition of electrical transmission lines near the Humboldt River Ranch district. General information and contacts are featured.
Humboldt River Ranch News and Blog
News and community stories and reports related to the Humboldt River Ranch community and surrounding region are featured, along with polls, advertising, and a blog.
Maintained by a land company that specializes in real estate investments and vacant land, several properties within the Humboldt River Ranch community are highlighted, with the size of the lots, a legal description, address, and other information, including the asking price.