Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Nevada » Cities & Towns » Carson City

Officially named the Consolidated Municipality of Carson City, the capital of the state of Nevada was named for Kit Carson. Carson City was previously the county seat of Ormsby County, but the county was abolished in 1969, and merged with the city. Most of its population resides in Eagle Valley, on the eastern edge of the Carson Range, in the Sierra Nevada. The first European Americans to arrive in the area were John C. Fremont and his exploration party in January of 1843. He named the river that flowed through the Eagle Valley Carson River. By 1851, the Eagle Station Ranch, located along the Carson River, served as a trading post and stopover for travelers along the Carson Branch of the California Trail. Initially, the area was governed from Salt Lake City, as it was part of the Utah Territory. In 1858, Abraham Curry bought Eagle Station and renamed the settlement around it Carson City. When Nevada became a state in 1864, Carson City was named its capital city. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) lived in Carson City during the Civil War, while working for his brother, who was Secretary of the Nevada Territory.


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