Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Nebraska » Cities & Towns » Broken Bow

Platted in 1882, the city of Broken Bow, Nebraska was named for a broken bow that had been found in a field at the site of a former Indian camp in the area. Prior to that time, only a few people lived in the area; among them were Jesse Garringer and the Hewitt, Lewis, Graham and Raymond families. Jess Gandy, who platted the town, bought Garringer’s land in 1882. Broken Bow was named the county seat of Custer County that same year, taking it from Westerville. The railroad was constructed through the area in 1884, and Broken Bow was incorporated as a village that same year, and as a city in 1888. Broken Bow is located southeast of Merna, and northwest of Berwyn and Ansley.


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