Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Missouri » Cities & Towns » Perry

The city of Perry is in Ralls County, Missouri. There were settlers in the area that was to become Perry as early as 1817, particularly along Lick Creek, in the southwestern part of the county. As might be expected, many of the early settlers in the county were attacked by various tribes of Native Americans who were there first, but none on Lick Creek. A few years after the War of 1812, the Salt River Valley began to be settled again. Most of the early settlers came from Kentucky. In the 1830s, Henry C. Wolfe built a large log cabin just north of the current town site, adding rooms to it, including a store and, later, a post office known as Lick Creek. In 1866, this post office was replaced by the Perry post office. David Bradshaw built the first building in the limits of the present town, and the town grew largely because of its location at a crossroads of several unnamed roads. Soon, other stores came, including a store run by Thomas Jefferson Ellis, a man who later moved on the found Center, Missouri. The town was largely untouched by the Civil War, and a new store opened there in 1864, although the town itself was not platted until 1866, and named for Perry Crosthwaite, who operated a three-story mill there. Perry is situated along Missouri Route 154, north of Hutchison, west of Madisonville, southwest of Center, and southeast of Florida. A portion of Mark Twain Lake extends to the north part of the town.



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