Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Missouri » Cities & Towns » Pattonsburg

The city of Pattonsburg is in Daviess County, in northwestern Missouri. Following a series of two devastating floods in a three-week period, the town was so badly damaged that the residents voted to move the town northeast to higher ground three miles away, creating what is sometimes known as New Pattonsburg, although the original site remains part of the city limits, since the right-of-way along US Highway 69 between the two communities was annexed. The original town site is mostly a ghost town now, although a few residents held on, and one church is still in operation in the original town site. The old Baptist Church building was sold, and now serves as a country music venue. Several other buildings still stand, but are deserted and in various states of disrepair. Civil Bend is to the south, Jameson is southeast, Coffey is northeast, Wildwood is north, and McFall is west of New Pattonsburg, while Santa Rosa is south of Old Pattsonburg.



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