Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Missouri » Cities & Towns » Maryland Heights

The city of Maryland Heights, Missouri is a suburb of St. Louis. Incorporated in 1985, Maryland Heights was named for the state that the majority of its early settlers came from, as the rolling hills in the northeaster section of town reminded them of their home state. Europeans began to come into the area looking for land during the 1700s and by the late 1700s, Indian attacks prompted them to band together and form fortified settlements. Prior to being known as Maryland Heights, the settlement was known as Mokeville in honor of George Moke, the local blacksmith. In 1900s, the town’s name was changed to Castello for Charles Castello, the mayor of St. Ferdinand, which is now known as Florissant, as the northeast part of the city was then in the same township as St. Ferdinand. An influx of new residents following World War II changed the nature of the area from semi-rural communities to developed suburbs. As the adjacent towns of St. Ann and Bridgeton began to expand, annexing land in the direction of Maryland Heights, residents decided to incorporate in order to retain their individuality. Other St. Louis suburbs surrounding Maryland Heights include St. Charles, Florissant, Velda Village, Chesterfield, and Harvester. St. Louis is about twenty miles to the southeast.


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