Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Missouri » Cities & Towns » Ironton

Situated twelve miles south of Belgrade, Ironton, Missouri was designated the county seat of Iron County in 1857, soon after the county was organized. Both Ironton and Iron County were named for the deposits of iron ore found in the area. The first European-American known to settle the area was Ephraim Stout, who built a log cabin around 1805, along Stout Creek, which was named for him. The area was sparsely settled until 1836, when iron ore was discovered. The town itself was laid out after Iron County was formed, and it was chosen to be the seat of county government in 1857. That same year, the St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad was completed as far as nearby Pilot Knob, after which homes and business began springing up, with Ironton the center of commerce for the region. The American Civil War pitted local residents against one another, as some supported the Union while others supported the Confederacy, and the railroad was important to both sides. Today, Ironton is accessed through Missouri Highway 21 and Highway 72. The Mark Twain National Forest is east of Ironton, Graniteville is to the northwest, Middlebrook and Iron Mountain are to the north, and Hogan is to the south.



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