Bolivar, Missouri is the location of several Christian churches. Church sites, other places of worship, ministries, and programs of a religious nature in Bolivar are appropriate topics for this category.
Recommended Resources
Bolivar First Church of the Nazarene
Directions and a map showing the location of the church in Bolivar, Missouri are posted, along with a profile of the church, schedules, a church calendar, contacts, and a church bulletin.
Bolivar United Methodist Church
Although Methodist services were held at Bolivar, Missouri as far back as 1832, the Bolivar UMC was organized in 1922. A profile of the church and its ministries, worship and program schedules, and sermon podcasts are presented.
The location, programs, and ministries of the Bolivar, Missouri church are put forward, with a calendar of upcoming events and a description of the church for those who are new. Announcements are posted to the site.
Affiliated with the Disciples of Christ, the congregation meets at its facilities on West Broadway in Bolivar, Missouri. Its Sunday School and service schedules are posted, with leadership contacts and office hours.
Grace Fellowship Baptist Church
Affiliated with the Grace Baptist Fellowship, the Bolivar, Missouri church is located on South 82nd Road. Service times, pastoral contacts, and a map showing the location of the facility are presented.
The local, independent, fundamental Baptist congregation meets at its facilities in Bolivar, Missouri, along with an overview of its services, beliefs and practices, a calendar of events, photographs, and contact data.
Parish staff, pastoral and organizational contacts, an overview of the religious education programs and ministries of the Roman Catholic parish are featured, with photographs and a parish calendar.