Sites with statewide significance involving Mississippi music, dance, theater, recreation and sports, and events, as well as zoos, parks, libraries, museums and art galleries belong here.
Recommended Resources
Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum
The Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum, based in Mississippi, preserves and interprets the maritime history of Mississippi Gulf Coast and Biloxi. The Museum offers two programs; an annual boating show as well as a sea and sail camp for those who want to learn more about the region's history and ships. The website also has videos showing schooners in action.
This 444-mile route from Natchez in southern Mississippi to a just south of Nashville, Tennessee cuts across a corner of Alabama and is commemorates the path that the American Indians, and later the white settlers, took as they extended their trade routes. The site focuses on the two campgrounds and numerous nature trails and scenery.
Provides information about the area and its history, and includes an overview of the park along with specifics about hiking, camping, float trips, fishing, rock climbing, and photography.
Tourism guide lists Mississippi points of interest including plantations, and sites along the Gulf Coast as well as state tourism contact options.