Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Mississippi » Cities & Towns » Aberdeen

Aberdeen, Mississippi is the county seat of Monroe County. Settled in 1834, and incorporated as a town in 1837, Aberdeen was designated the county seat in 1849 when Monroe County was organized. Aberdeen is located on the banks of the Tombigbee River, and became one of the busiest ports in Mississippi during the 1800s, particularly for cotton. At one time, Aberdeen was the second largest city in Mississippi, and many of the city’s historic structures remain, with more than two hundred buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Known as the Skirmish at Aberdeen, Mississippi, a battle was fought between Union troops under the command of General Andrew Jackson Smith and Confederate troops under the command of General Stephen Dill Lee, who was not related to Robert E. Lee, on February 18, 1864. Nearby communities include Athens, Becker, Binford, East Aberdeen, Gibson, Lackey, and Prairie. Columbus is about twenty-five miles south of Aberdeen, and Tupelo is about thirty-five miles to the north.


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