The focus of this category may include a range of topics relating to people, organizations, artists of various types, and issues relating to Michigan.
Authors, cartoonists, illustrators, musicians, painters, sculptors, and artisans of statewide renown may be represented in this category, while local artists will be listed in the Cities & Towns category that represents their hometown or current residence. Websites whose topics are concentrated on other prominent Michigan people may also be listed here. These may include actors and directors, radio and television personalities, broadcasters, politicians, and others.
While professional or business organizations would be more appropriately placed in a business category, and sports organizations can be placed in a sports category, and so on, fraternal or youth organizations, such as Lions Club International or the Boy Scouts of America, would be appropriate in this category, although local organizations should be listed in the Cities & Towns category representing the location of the organization. State chapters or regional chapters representing more than one locality should be listed here.
Political organizations, such as the Democrat Party of Michigan or the Michigan Conservative Coalition, are appropriate for this category, as would be those formed to advance various political causes, agendas, or issues of statewide interest.
Other topics that may be represented here may include statewide memorial sites, such as those commemorating fallen soldiers or those recognizing victims of one tragedy or another.
Recommended Resources
Catholic Charities of West Michigan
Since 1946, the community-based agency has provided a range of services to vulnerable populations in West Michigan, with locations in Traverse City, Ludington, Big Rapids, White Cloud, Muskegon, Stanton, Grand Rapids, Holland, Ionia, Kalamazoo, and Benton Harbor. Its programs include adoption services, counseling, family preservation, foster care, food and pantry programs, pregnancy support, senior programs, and social justice programs, which are described here.
Child & Family Services of Northwestern Michigan
With offices in Gaylord, Harbor Springs, and Traverse City, the agency serves children, adults, and families across the northwestern part of the state. In service since 1937, the non-profit organization offers foster care and adoption services, foster care licensing, behavioral health programs, and respite programs, as well as operating a youth shelter, legal aid clinic, and its YouthWork program, an AmeriCorps program. Volunteer opportunities are posted, along with contacts.
Lions Clubs International is a service organization with more than forty-thousand clubs in more than two hundred countries around the world. Representing clubs throughout the state, the Michigan chapter is subdivided by districts, each representing groupings of counties. Member districts and clubs may be found through the site, which includes state projects, scholarships, youth programs, a calendar of events, and a history of the organization. A download page is included.
The Michigan Association of Elks is the state association of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE), also known as the Elks Lodge or just The Elks, a US-based fraternal order founded in 1868. Member districts and lodges may be found through the site, which includes an interactive map. Programs and events are featured, including schedules, and Association committees are introduced, with contacts. Other resources include a gallery of photographs and other media.
Michigan Fraternal Order of Police
The Fraternal Order of Police is a membership organization of law enforcement officers in the United States, and the Michigan FOP is the state lodge of the organization, which attempts to improve the working conditions and safety of police through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation. Its officers and staff are introduced, along with a calendar of events, photo gallery, and classified advertising. Member benefits are defined.
The state association of the Loyal Order of Moose and Women of the Moose represents the local lodges within the state and is itself under the national authority of the Supreme Lodge of the World. Membership and promotional material are presented on the site, along with a calendar of events and an overview of its programs and scholarships. Convention schedules, downloadable agendas, and online registrations are included, along with raffle results and other resources.
The Michigan Crossroads Council of the Boy Scouts of America serves the Great Lakes, Water and Woods, Southern Shores, and President Ford field service councils, covering the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Its office locations and contacts are put forth, and its camps include Cole Canoe Base, D-bar-A Scout Ranch, Gerber Scout Reservation, Camp Rotary, Camp Teetonkah, and The Retriever scout camps, each of which are highlighted here, along with other resources.
Michigan State Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles
The Fraternal Order of Eagles is an international non-profit fraternal organization based on the spirit of liberty, truth, justice, and equality, and the Michigan State Aerie represents the Michigan State Auxiliary, The State F.O.E. Youth program, as well as the local Aeries within the state, which are highlighted here, along with website addresses, where applicable. Its fall Eagle Riders meeting, the Michigan Eagle Family Recreation Center, its sports programs, and contacts are put forth.
The American Legion, Department of Michigan
Formed in 1919, the Legion is a membership organization of military veterans, made up of state, US territory, and overseas departments, which are in turn made up of local posts. The Michigan department was organized that same year, and divided into districts, representing local posts throughout the state. Its history, leadership, and a calendar of events are published to the site, along with a member portal. Local posts may be found by city or by post number, and contacts are available.
Trail Life USA Michigan Area Team
Trail Life USA is a Christian program, similar to what the Boy Scouts used to be like, that focuses on outdoor experiences for boys and young men. It's Woodland Trail (K-5th grade), Navigators (6-8th grade), Adventurers (9-12th grade), and Guidon (18-25 years) programs are highlighted, including its spiritual growth programs. Covering Michigan Trail Life USA troops, an overview of its programs, a promotional video, calendar of events, and a private login for registered leaders are featured.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) was created in 1899 as a means of securing rights and benefits for the veterans of the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection, many of whom returned wounded or sick, with no medical care or pensions offered to them. Its membership is open to those who received a campaign medal for overseas service, or have received hostile fire or imminent danger pay. Its programs, a calendar of events, and other resources are included.